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View Full Version : Ie Booster

09-27-2003, 01:25 AM
IE Booster is the snitz..but as of 2.0, it's no longer free and I lost my copy of 1.6. Anyone have a copy?

09-27-2003, 10:41 AM
Hope this is what your after.
feed back welcome ftp://3252751922//pub/mirror/ftp.winsite....il/ieboos16.zip (ftp://3252751922//pub/mirror/ftp.winsite.com/pub/pc/win95/netutil/ieboos16.zip) 407.9KB

EDIT:Same address but user friendly Thanks to <Name> ----Private Message ;) You Know Who &#33; (ftp://ftp.iif.hu/pub/mirror/ftp.winsite.com/pub/pc/win95/netutil/ieboos16.zip)

09-28-2003, 01:00 AM
Link doesnt works. :( but it looks like what I&#39;m looking for.

09-28-2003, 02:00 AM
Link doesnt work
hhmmmm&#33; so I&#39;ve heard
,a benefit of being registered ;) ,
though its still alive from this end however I have the file so something will be sorted :)

09-28-2003, 06:18 AM
The link doesn&#39;t work for me either.
You have another one here (ftp://ftp.sogang.ac.kr/.4/win95/netutil/ieboos16.zip).

09-29-2003, 02:03 AM
Thanks Jeja a much more user friendly link
& my humble apologies for posting in such a format

Originally posted by <Name>--Private Message

guess thats just one more reason why old versions of web browsers are better than the new ones. : ) , since you can still acess the sites in hex or dword conversionwith old musty IE.
recieved by me:(

10-04-2003, 02:52 AM
mucho gracias...:)

12-18-2003, 04:40 AM
IE Boost v1.3 (350kbs)
ftp://ftp.iif.hu/pub/mirror/ftp.winsite.c...il/ieboos13.zip (ftp://ftp.iif.hu/pub/mirror/ftp.winsite.com/pub/pc/win95/netutil/ieboos13.zip)
IE Boost v1.5 (402kbs)
ftp://ftp.flashnet.it/mirror/7/simtelnet/...ws/ieboos15.zip (ftp://ftp.flashnet.it/mirror/7/simtelnet/win95/webbrows/ieboos15.zip)
IE Boost v1.6 (400kbs)
ftp://ftp.iif.hu/pub/mirror/ftp.winsite.c...il/ieboos16.zip (ftp://ftp.iif.hu/pub/mirror/ftp.winsite.com/pub/pc/win95/netutil/ieboos16.zip)