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View Full Version : Monkey Sort Or File Sifter

10-20-2003, 01:18 AM
I'm looking for a program called Monkey Sort 1.9, I finally found Monkey Sort 1.14 after many hours of searching, but I would like the latest version, the old is hard to navigate in.

It is a program that will take a folder of files & re-organize them into alpabetized folders, I tested v1.14 on 4500 PDF files, the program does exactly as I want, but it was written for win9x & I would like to find a newer version, I guess its really not newer since it seems the author is no where to be found.

There seems to be another program like it called File Sifter, but I am unable to find that one also.

I any one out there has either one of these OR knows of a better or similiar solution please reply.

10-20-2003, 01:32 AM
[list]Monkey Sort v1.14.3 (ftp://ftp.iif.hu/pub/mirror/ftp.winsite.com/pub/pc/win95/dskutil/MonkeySort_FV.zip) (2.4megs)
Monkey Sort - Free Version (ftp://ftp.uni-marburg.de/mirror/winsite.com/win95/dskutil/monkeysort_fv.zip)(1.5megs)
File Sifter v1.0.0 for Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k/XP (http://www.ded.com/nonags/member-files/?id=/fileu/FileSifter100.ZIP) (2.45 mb)

10-20-2003, 01:54 AM
Thanks for the quick reply, I guess I shouldn't have said I couldn't find File Sifter, its that I did not want to pay for the download just to find out that its max file limit is 1000 files like a lot of the VB based programs are.

I think I did find the 1st listing of Monkey Sort, but I definitely did not see that they had a free version available.

What search engine did you use to find these links?

I used Lycos, Google & some of the MetaCrawler type engines found at Allsearchengines.com

10-20-2003, 12:58 PM
a Russian search engine, i think i found the File Sifter on google
I had used a free program that did what you wanted, but i can not rem what it was, it did the file sorting into foldernames, and that was something i did not want, so i tossed it, and had to refix all my files. Now i can not rem the name of the program