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View Full Version : Putting Free Cpu Time To Good Use

10-22-2003, 07:30 AM
Ever remember the Setti project ( searching for flying saucers in outer space ;) ).

I found a program that follows the same concept of multithread number crunching for medical research projects.

If like me your prefer to leave CPU's powered on 24/7 this might be something you want to consider Find a Drug (http://www.find-a-drug.com/)

I ummed and arred whether to post this. Yes its an advert I guess. But its a none profit organisation and it is PC related. You wont get anything from it, nice screen saver, money..absolutely nothing ( apart from a warm CPU ).

I thought others might be interested. If peeps are concerned that posts like this arent suitable for Oldversion then please delete the post. I was just so impressed by its concept and none intrusive behaviour I thought it was worth a mention.


11-15-2003, 11:01 PM
Maybe there's room on the pew for me
Some Free donating !
You like to to good with a mouse click. Check out the The Hunger Site : (http://www.thehungersite.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/CTDSites) Here you can donate a cup of rice, by just a click on a button, or on the same way you help saving a few square feet of rain forest in the Rain forest Site: (...or click to save rain forest !) (http://www.therainforestsite.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/CTDSites)

Hymn mm not sure I'm saved cause I sto*ll the link from nutha site :o