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View Full Version : Graphics For Windows 95

10-24-2003, 07:58 AM
We've been scanning a lot of old photos onto disk in order to send them to relatives. One beloved but technophobic person in Greece has an ancient laptop with a CD drive that can read the disks, but she can only view them in Paint, which is too ghastly even to contemplate. Can anyone recommend a still-available programme that she can use (preferably downloadable so we can send it to her) to look at the photos (saved as bitmaps) at less than 100%? She doesn't want to titivate them but she might print them out. We googled and found something called Graphic Viewer 1 and something called Freeview Graphics Viewer, but I wondered if anybody had a better idea. It doesn't have to be free, but that's always

10-24-2003, 08:49 AM
There hundreds if not thousands of photo viewing/modifying packages around.

Painsthop pro is one of the best end user packages but isnt cheap that can modify pictures, remove red eye, resize, recolour etc etc. A cheaper Image viewing only package is ACDSee.

A simple picture viewer thats free Id suggest:

Using Infranview (http://www.simtel.net/product.download.mirrors.php?id=18942)

Another alternative is a album viewer such as My Album (http://perso.wanadoo.fr/myalbum/MyAlbum.html)

There are many free tools out there .. Websites like Tucows (http://www.tucows.com/) or ZDnet (http://www.zdnet.com/) specialise in hosting free/share/payware.

You can find both packages I suggested and more on this website Here (http://www.pricelessware.org/2003/PL2003GRAPHICS.htm#Viewerandfileconverter)

P.S. If your sending pictures.. You might want to consider saving the pictures as .JPG format as .BMP ( Bitmaps ) are roughly 10 times the size and are only really of use when using paint packages. Also most internet browsers view .JPG format files by default.

10-24-2003, 11:21 AM
search the forum, i had posted a couple freebies which should be fine, also there is plenty of links for older version of irfanview also on this forum.
check here
http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?a...t=ST&f=3&t=1382 (http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?act=ST&f=3&t=1382)
and here
http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?a...ct=ST&f=3&t=884 (http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?act=ST&f=3&t=884)

10-24-2003, 11:45 AM
Thanks to all - Irfanview gets everybody's votes, also on another forum I visit sometimes. An absolutely brilliant program!