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View Full Version : Let The Quest Begin

The Dude
12-20-2003, 07:44 AM
This is the holiday season right,a time for helping and joining together????

Well,I used to love m-ms candies (THE PLAIN KIND) but,in the year 2000,they changed the recipe from using WHOLE MILK to using SKIM MILK/MILKFAT and it tastes terrible...

Have you noticed a change in the way they taste,you dont really like them anymore??? Well,this is why........

Im going crazy trying to get the company to change it back to the original (I DONT KNOW WHY THESE STUPID COMPANIES MESS WITH SUCCESS)

They say "Oh,we havent changed the recipe,we only changed the wrapper to say MILK CHOCOLATE)

Well,as we all know SKIM MILK TASTES TERRIBLE,and I can tell a BIG change in taste....(Terrible,i dont eat them anymore)

Im not the only one who can tell the difference....WHY ARE THEY IN DENIAL???? http://www.webhostingtalk.com/images/smilies/angryfire.gif (What,is it bad business practice to admit a changed successfull recipe????)

They had THE BEST candy for about 20 years,then in 2000 they changed it to SKIM MILK and MILK FAT and they lost thier chocolate flavor,etc......(Terrible)

PLEASE TRY...The more people who ask them to bring the original recipe back because they dont like the taste of the PLAIN m-ms,THE BETTER CHANCE WE MAY HAVE...

Just CLICK HERE (http://www.feedbackasp.com/mms) and Scroll down to SEND EMAIL,CLICK THAT,CHOOSE 'FURIOUS' Then go thru and fill out the application,and then enter your comments about bringing back the original PLAIN recipe...(WITH WHOLE MILK)

PLEASE TRY AND HELP ME IN MY QUEST FOR GOOD CANDY COMING BACK......(The more people who send them email the better chance i have)

PLEASE everyone who does,leave a message here......

SPREAD THIS AROUND......PLEASE.....I am desperate to get GOOD CANDY BACK!!!


The Dude http://www.webhostingtalk.com/images/smilies/angryfire.gif

Jaime Andrés
12-20-2003, 10:38 PM
Hi Dude I know what you are saying, some twenty odd years ago in the UK the masses rose up against the dreadful beer that the coporate breweries were producing and formed CAMRA, (campaign for real ale) this organisation brought about the change from horrible chemical gassy max profit beer to genuine old fashioned barrelled ale (still expensive but worth it))
On the odd occasions that I visit the UK I imbibe in these delicious ales http://www.emotipad.com/newemoticons/Blackstuff.gif

The Dude
12-26-2003, 03:03 AM
I got an email from mars saying "We are reviewing our marketing procedure,that product is not currently available"

Thats nothing,they said that last year also......Nothing has changed.... http://www.webhostingtalk.com/images/smilies/angryfire.gif http://www.webhostingtalk.com/images/smilies/angryfire.gif

Has anyone tried to email them??????

The Dude http://www.webhostingtalk.com/images/smilies/angryfire.gif

01-11-2004, 05:34 PM
if i knew what kind of candies you were talking about.. maybe i could help...

01-11-2004, 05:35 PM
OHHHH!!! m&m's.. okay know i know... yahh.. the old ones where better but its not like i eat them alot anyways and maybe theyre trying to be healthy ahahaha

02-07-2004, 08:33 AM

Here's the score sports fans. The sickening, stupid, greedy yuppie satanists who run the WORLD, they don't want anyone having any fun. From everything we buy being made in CHINA, to Nascar makin no bumping rules, AND ENFORCING THEM, and your woried about some #$%#$ candy? It's all about money. Like whole milk, 2% or "vitamin D" milk is NOT whole milk. I know because there used to be a dairy a mile from my parents house, now it's sickenning yuppie developments, where the $%^$# children are the boss. Everything that was once fun to do (even sex) is now dangerous, tastes like #$%#, or can kill you. It's an alraming trend, but what can we do?

And dig this, you guys will love this one, I went to a rally/riot/protest in DC last year, they (pigs) were taking everyones poles (for banners and signs), because it made the police feel unsafe.

The Dude
02-02-2006, 04:39 AM
In the year 2000 the company (Mars) changed the recipe of M&Ms to using SKIM MILK,MILKFAT and they are disgusting!!!!! (It used to be regular milk with NO milkfat for 20yrs or more)

I havent eaten them in 5 yrs or so and have a quest going on to try and get the company to change the recipe back to pre-2000 standards!!!!!!!

Have you noticed a change in the way they taste,you dont really like them anymore??? Well,this is why........

Im going crazy trying to get the company to change it back to the original (I DONT KNOW WHY THESE STUPID COMPANIES MESS WITH SUCCESS)

Please Click here (http://tinyurl.com/dnnmm) and send the company feedback about how you DO NOT LIKE THE NEW RECIPES (With skim milk,milkfat) and you want the older kind before 2000 back!!!!! (With reg. milk and NO milkfat)

PLEASE TRY AND HELP ME IN MY QUEST FOR GOOD CANDY COMING BACK......(The more people who send them email the better chance we have)

Thank you & God Bless you all :)

02-02-2006, 02:39 PM
Sitting on this board for a few years now. I thought I seen this posted before from you. I did. So the threads are merged.
Thats a 3 year old post nontheless.

straight talker
02-03-2006, 11:56 AM
i really think dude your quest will get about as far as a snail in a crows nest.best option for all those who dislike a product change is stop buying the product, if thousands and thousands stopped consuming the products then they may wise up and listen but i dont think moaning about it would really get their attention.companies strive and act on profit margins if profits go down then thats a big deal and they need to know why,yet if thousands are moaning about a product and still buying it it really is not much use.

The Dude
02-05-2006, 10:44 AM
Thank you Locust,i dunno if i forgot i posted it or what......(Merci Beaucoup)

The problem with NOT BUYING THE PRODUCT is,hardily anyone notices a change!!!! THAT IS SO BAFFLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHO CANT TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SKIM MILK AND REG. MILK?? (I suppose people who's taste buds are "Out to lunch")

Its people like this that these companies count on,people they can walk all over......... And they think they owe them nothing!! (Dont owe them any explanation,etc......) http://www.myfilestash.com/userfiles/thedude/icon04.gif

02-06-2006, 02:04 AM
Velvetta changed their recipe. The cheese melts while you cut it, trying to get nice piece with a cheese-cutter does not happen. All that ends up happening is the cheese clumps up on the cutter. Did not used to be this way.

Cans of soup have shrunk, less ounces per can, but price is higher than ever.

Potatoes have gotten smaller. Gasoline prices have gone up. A 2x4 piece of lumber is not really 2x4. Paychecks have gotten smaller while taxes are higher.

The facts are things often change despite what you or I want.

The Dude
02-06-2006, 09:51 AM

straight talker
02-07-2006, 03:42 AM
Thank you Locust,i dunno if i forgot i posted it or what......(Merci Beaucoup)

The problem with NOT BUYING THE PRODUCT is,hardily anyone notices a change!!!! THAT IS SO BAFFLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHO CANT TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SKIM MILK AND REG. MILK?? (I suppose people who's taste buds are "Out to lunch")

Its people like this that these companies count on,people they can walk all over......... And they think they owe them nothing!! (Dont owe them any explanation,etc......) http://www.myfilestash.com/userfiles/thedude/icon04.gif

dont panic dude,your original post was nearly three years old and it should only be about another three years and you should of grown out of your tantrums of whether your sweeties taste right or not,anyway i would of thought if you couldnt remember posting the last same thing regarding these sweets then i very much doubt you can remember what they originally tasted like anyway,LOL what a character.

The Dude
02-15-2006, 02:24 PM
Ah man!!