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View Full Version : Operating System For A Imb 5100

John Titor
02-11-2004, 12:54 AM
I am looking for an operating system for an IBM 5100 or /370 line mainframe. I am only interested in the version that includes the basic interpreter.

Thak You

02-11-2004, 06:21 AM
TYPE.............................Professional Computer
YEAR.............................September 1975
KEYBOARD.....................Full stroke 74 keys with numeric keypad and arrow keys
CPU...............................IBM circuit module
SPEED...........................1.9 MHz.
RAM...............................16 KB to 64 KB by 16 KB steps
ROM...............................32 KB to 64 KB
TEXT MODES...................64 chars. x 16 lines
GRAPHIC MODES.............None
SOUND............................No sound capabilities
SIZE / WEIGHT................24 Kg.
I/O PORTS.......................5103 printer and 5106 external tape drive unit
BUILT IN MEDIA...............Built-in 204 KB DC600 tape drive
OS...................................APL or BASIC
POWER SUPPLY...............Built-in power supply unit
PRICE..............................From $8975 (BASIC 16 KB) to $19,975 (BASIC+APL 64 KB)

The operating system was built in depending on if you ordered BASIC or APL or BOTH.

Just like the later Commodore CBM, PET, Vic 20 and Commodore 64 (to name a few in that line). If you want to program you'd better brush up on your BASIC or APL skills bepending on what is in your computer.

10 print "Have a nice day"
20 goto 10

02-11-2004, 09:53 AM
IBM Public Domain Software Collection (http://www.ibiblio.org/jmaynard/)
The site contains copies of distribution tapes, other source and object code libraries, and pregenerated, runnable distributions of IBM public domain software written for the System/360 and System/370 mainframe computers.

All of the software on this site is in the public domain. IBM, by corporate policy, does not assert copyright ownership of any software which it distributed without copyright notices. US copyright law, until 1978, placed such materials in the public domain.

TSS/370, is version 3.0 of IBM's Time Sharing System/370, the timesharing system that they wanted customers to run instead of VM/370. can be found on the above site as well.

MVS 3.8J (http://ensose.com/mvs38j.html)
MVS 3.8J is the final public domain version of IBM's OS/370 MVS operating system, released in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It runs with 24-bit addressability so it can only address 16MB of virtual storage. It only supports 3 hexadecimal digit I/O addresses. Aside from those limitations, it has quite a lot in common with today's OS/390 and z/OS systems and can still perform useful work.

You might also want to get a copy of the Hercules Mainframe Emulator which you can run the above systems on

John Titor
02-11-2004, 08:22 PM
Thanks, you have been very helpful.

Good luck in the future.