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View Full Version : Translator Program

02-20-2004, 04:00 PM
I'm looking for any version of a translator program called PEX (Pc Explore), there is no official site and, for some reason, it's almost impossible to find.
If anyone can help me saying where to download it, it will be greatly appreciated.

02-20-2004, 04:02 PM
is it a language translator app (ie. Italian to English), or a file translator app (ie. PC to MAC)?

02-21-2004, 09:39 AM
It's an app that can make you change the language yourself on any program.
For example in the english language of Nero there is written "COPY" you can translate it your self in italian to "COPIA".

02-21-2004, 10:04 AM
Most MS Window apps do seem to support l10n and i18n. This would seem to be a very long and boring job to have to change every button text though.
This would be another fine example of why closed apps lack the benefits of the open-source/free software community.
I'll look around.

Did not find that app yet. These might be or might not be useful for you.

LocalizeRC (http://www.codeproject.com/tools/localizerc.asp) Freetools, LocalizeRC is very easy to understand and makes it possible to create a translation within minutes!
WizTom (http://www.wizart.com/en/wizstart/wizwin.htm) is the main environment used to manage the localization projects for all of your projects

02-27-2004, 06:44 PM
Some more utilities, though there can be copyright issues to deal with when using these tools (though somehow I suspect not too much sleep will be lost)
p.s. I hope this thread aint being tracked cause its kinda peaceful around here at the moment ;)

Resource Hacker FREE v.3.4.0 541 Kb
By Angus Johnson. Resource Hacker is a utility to view, modify, add and delete resources in Win32 executables. Incorporates an internal resource compiler and decompiler.

Resource Tuner: SHAREWARE
This is a stand-alone version of the Visual Resource Editor of PE Explorer that lets you view, extract, modify, translate, edit, or replace any selected Windows resource. This means you can tweak any program's text, icons, pictures, buttons...

02-27-2004, 07:03 PM
Thanks for the memory jarring GoSlow. I Just remembered another similar app as the ones you posted. I've used this app years ago to build customized AOL IMS clients.

Restorator (http://www.bome.com/Restorator/) (SHAREWARE)
Allows modifying, adding, and removing resources such as text, images, icons, sounds, videos, dialogs and menus in almost all applications.

http://www.rapidsolution.de/accelerated/os...ptseite_135.htm (http://www.rapidsolution.de/accelerated/osirisengl/localization/1hauptseite_135.htm)