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View Full Version : Nero, Copying Programs To Cd Help?

04-14-2004, 07:47 PM
could someone please help me out with putting programs from my desktop like my nero program, my virus software etc etc on CD using Nero??

04-14-2004, 08:48 PM
Open My Computer, you should then see a few folders. Right click anywere in the window, and Click New then Folder
Name it Downloads.
Now, shrink the window to about half the size of the desktop, which can easily be down via the tray box, Over near your clock, right click in that box and select Cascade Windows.
Now your windows should be smaller.
In your newly created Download folder, you will now want to drag all those files from your desktop, over into the downloads folder.
Click on each package and hold and drag cursor over to the folder and release, dropping them into the folder.
You should always download to a taget folder, makes it easier to locate and organize your data.

Now, open Nero Burning ROM, you will be creating a CD, NEW DATA CD. In the right window, should be the Explorer layout of your file directory. Click on the C: drive, then your Download folder.
Now take those files in your download folder, and drag n drop them over into the left pane, the NERO compilation window.
Watch the progress indicator to tell you how much data you have placed into the CD pane for burning.
When your ready to burn the CD. just Click FILE in the upper left corner of Nero, then write cd.

If NERO opens with the wizard, it will make things easier for you. If it does not open using the wizard, then select the wizard.

04-15-2004, 12:33 AM
not to sound ignorant but when i right click in "my computer" it doesnt give me the option of 'new'

everytime ive tried to DL files it either makes a disk of the shortcut to the program or the whole entire folder and subfolders of the program. what am i doing wrong?

im just trying to make bootable backups of certain programs for future use.

thanks for any help. :lol:

04-15-2004, 12:41 AM
Thats ok.
I should have mentioned that when you click and open My Computer, you need to click on the C: Drive.
A bootable backup of apps? Thats not what a bootable backup is for. The only way a bootable CD works, is with an OS img, such as an image of a floppy disk, which would be a image of a dos bootdisk.
This will not do any good for just apps. If you do not have an operating system on the hard drive, you cant copy the contents of the CD to a empty HD.
Bootable CD's are for recovery of the BASE OS, not to repopulate the system with zip files. To repopulate the system with files you have downloaded, just store them on a CD, then you can just copy them from the CD to a folder on the C: drive.

04-15-2004, 01:28 AM
i guess my terminology is off? what i meant to say was, isnt it possible to lets say, copy AIM to a cd so that in the future i can use this disk to install AIM with out having to visit the site. or lets say i wanted to have a CD that makes it possible to install Quick Time or install a game or what have you.

is this possible being that i already have these programs?

the gaffer
04-15-2004, 02:22 AM
i can understand what you mean but i dont think this will work, perhaps now would be a good time to create a back up as you get your programs, i save all my downloads to cdr as a multissession data disc for back up and use at a later date.

04-15-2004, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by somedude12345@Apr 15 2004, 01:28 AM
copy AIM to a cd so that in the future i can use this disk to install AIM with out having to visit the site. ?
Yes, I thought that was exactly what you were asking for when I posted the first reply, then you changed my thinking when ya injected the "bootable" term.
The first post I made, is how to store the files in zipped or exe form. So that you do not have to come back here. An 'Archive' CD is what you will be making. When you want to install AIM later, just insert your 'burnt' CD into the CD-ROm drive, browse the files, then when you find the file you want to install, double click it. And it will be copied to a temp folder, then installed.

the gaffer
04-15-2004, 04:36 PM
my apologies SOMEDUDE if i confused matters i misread your post and thought that you were trying to save programs that were already installed.

04-15-2004, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by the gaffer@Apr 15 2004, 04:36 PM
my apologies SOMEDUDE if i confused matters i misread your post and thought that you were trying to save programs that were already installed.
This would be possible, IF Windows did not make such demands on the registry. Old apps which you installed on Win3.x systems would infact work this way for the most part. I have a few Windows app which do not run an installation routine, just unzip and work. And I have stored them on CD which I then can run off CD.
If programs you install don't make registry checks, then yea, you could build an auxillary CD which contains less frequently run apps. And you would never have to install them to the hard drive, Just always run them directly from the CD.
Infact this is sort of how I built self playing music CD's. I made them bootable, installed the songs onto the CD. ran an autobatch file to run after booting, which then loads the music player, scans for the songs, and loads a sound card driver, and plays music.
This you can run on a system without a harddrive or an Operating system installed.

04-15-2004, 07:43 PM
thanks guys :)

06-02-2006, 07:08 AM
is there a way to copy an application program from my old pc to my new pc? original installation cd is lost.:confused: