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View Full Version : Kazaa 1.7.1 Vs 2.4.3

06-06-2004, 04:44 AM
I'm using Kazaa Lite version 1.7.1 if I download version 2.4.3 will it improve my download quality? i've recently been getting many files that play fine for a while and then have a screeching sound in them, or I download a track that plays for 30 secs and then returns to the start. Will 2.4.3 improve this?

06-06-2004, 07:05 AM
This post is absolutely not necessary. People, search before posting new threads.
The whole bomb files issue has been discussed many times.
This is not the kazaa forum. There are many kazaa threads. If you think your got a kazaa related question, pick an existing thread and post it into one. No need to start a new thread, just about any question you can think of, has already been asked in a previous thread.
By posting in exisitng threads, you keep the subject tied together in a single, uniform, easy to read thread. This makes it much more convenient for those who do search, and keeps the question flowing and easier to follow in 1 thread.

locking thread.
As this is another senseless posting that has already covered.