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06-06-2004, 06:35 PM
where can i find Binchunker version 1.60? version 1.7 comes with Fireburner (this burning program). but i heard that v1.70 of Binchunker may not work so good as version 1.60 when scanning BIN file for errors. so versio 1.60 is better than 1.70. that is why i am looking for Binchunker v1.60 for windows xp.

06-06-2004, 06:53 PM
Please read the pinned topic How to Request an App (http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?act=ST&f=3&t=1585) if your not certain on how to make a request, then add the necessary info back into this thread.

06-06-2004, 07:35 PM
ok,. i will provide more information, but i dfont have so much information.

program: Binchunker
website: unknown (maybe www.fireburner.com)
current version: 1.70
desired version: 1.60
what it does: Binchunker for Unix converts BIN/CUE files into ISO-standard cd image file which can be used in Unix. Unix doesnt support BIN/CUE files, that is why Binchunker is designed. but the Windows version of it, it checks BIN/CUE files for corruption and validity of the BIN file. as i said, version 1.70 is intergrated within Fireburner, but this 1.70 is scanning the BIN file so good as version 1.60. in other words, 1.60 works better than 1.70.

06-06-2004, 07:38 PM
i meant that version 1.70 is not scanning BIN files so good as version 1.60. it misses some errors that can be found by version 1.60.

06-06-2004, 09:12 PM
BinChunker Homepage (http://he.fi/bchunk/)
Are you looking for a source file? or a precompiled binary for a specific target?
Such as for Slackware, Red Hat or SuSUE or Lycoris?

you could use cdrdoa under UNIX to burn the BIN/CUE (Kernel 2.6)
# cdrdao write --device ATAPI:0,0,0 --driver generic-mmc --speed 16 NameOfCUEOrTOCFile

other programs:
CDemu (http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/) is a kernel module for Linux. It is designed to simulate a CD drive + CD with just simple cue/bin files, which are pretty common in the Windows world.
CDrDAO (http://cdrdao.sourceforge.net/)

I found a copy of BINChunker160.ZIP. But i do not have a link for it, so I would email you it, but since you are not registered, i cant send it to you. You can email me a message and i can send it to you via email.

* bin2iso (http://www.neotokyo.org/illusion/) Free
CD Image converter. This converts .bin files to .iso files. Its very simplified and only supports MODE1 single-track .bins.