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View Full Version : Hd-copy

06-10-2004, 08:36 PM
I want HD-COPY. It's DOS program to copy disket to disket but it very old programe. I cant't find it.

06-10-2004, 08:50 PM
Since this is an old DOS program, its alittle difficult to add the necessary info if development has ceased. But the additional info you can find will help.
Doing a quick search on google turned up this website

HDCOPY is a Disaster-Recovery, Backup and Cloning program which works independently of the operating system being used. HDCOPY works as a pure DOS program and does not rely on specific functions of the resident operating system.* It will work regardless of the structure of the operating system’s file system.* HDCOPY supports Backup To and Restore From an image file, as well as copying hard disk directly to hard disk. You can work with HDCOPY on whole hard disks or single partitions.

If this is the program your seeking, you can download it from that link.

another HD-Copy find:

HD-Copy 2.0a
Fast disk copy utility for DD and HD disks, 80286 or better. Many features, e.g. automatic formatting and verify, cleans disks and eliminates viruses. New: Online help, better error handling & error recovery! Copyright -1995- Oliver Fromme
HD-COPY v2.0a (1995) (ftp://ftp.fh-muenchen.de/pub/dos/tools/copy/hdcp20ae.zip) (81kbs)