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View Full Version : Windows NT4.0 + IE

08-01-2004, 08:16 AM
I have been having a problem trying to install IE on a machine running nt4 workstation
I tried to install IE4 but it said I needed service pack 4 so I installed sp6 and now it won't le me install a local copy of IE instead it tries to connect to the internet to download it.
The machine is a p166 and i can't find a modem that will run on such a low spec machine.
Can anyone help?

08-01-2004, 01:08 PM
Is the local copy of IE the correct build for NT? You can not stick a copy of IE thats for WIn9x on an NT box.
Any modem should work, don't put too much trust into the 'specs' of hardware. But at the same time, if it is a host dependant type modem, such as the "Plug N Play' or "Designed for WIndows" modems, you do need some horsepower. But remember that a modem should not need a 500Mhz machine to turn it over. I've run 56k modems on 133Mhz machine with no problems at all.
The requirements sometimes relate to the bundled software and not the hardware requirements.
The best way to determine if the modem will work is by installing and running it.

08-04-2004, 02:55 PM
cheers for the info.
Does anyone know where i can get a copy of IE4 for
Nt4? I have searched microsoft.com and looked through the
web but can only come up with IE for 9x.

08-05-2004, 12:12 AM
try http://browsers.evolt.org/