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View Full Version : Njstar

07-13-2003, 04:09 AM
seems, i can't even download a copy of njstar from official site? is it problem with my location? any one can help me get a old version of njstar? a trial is good enough.

thanks in advance

07-13-2003, 04:52 PM
on the site they have many links to different programs so i am unsure which you where trying to download.
Since i am not sure which one you wanted, i tried the njstar communicator. and i was able to retrieve it.
You might have problems with ftp servers, so try to make sure you retrieve the file from a http server, such as

if you are running a firewall. it might deny you access to a ftp server.

01-27-2005, 08:16 PM
Program Name: NJstar Communicator
Website: www.njstar.com
Current version: 2.51
Desired versions: 2.30u
Description: a program to read and write chinese on english windows

a little extra info.... the filename of it is NJCM230U.EXE

Thanks :)
(hopefully i followed the rules correctly :unsure: )

01-28-2005, 01:09 AM
I dont think they are rules but strong suggestion as to how you can help others best complete [b]your[b] search.If I was you I'd also add why you desire that particular version, but thats just me.
b.t.w extra info is usually good