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View Full Version : Just-born Slips Through Train Toilet, Survives

The Dude
05-09-2005, 12:25 AM
A child, delivered by a woman in the washroom of a running train, slipped down the toilet hole and was later found alive on the tracks between Khatoli and Mansuri railway stations, 15 km from Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh, police said on Monday.

The police said Shabnam was travelling from Meerut to Saharanpur with her brother on Sunday. She developed labour pain and went to the toilet where she delivered.

The child, however, fell down onto the tracks. A search was launched when the train stopped at Mansurpur station, they said.

The child was found on the tracks and was handed over to its mother, who continued her journey to Saharanpur with her 'miracle' child, they added.


Hmmm can you tell me how this women wanted to take a dump and ended up giving birth ? Sounds to me like she wanted to kill the baby but they found him alive. http://www.myfilestash.com/userfiles/thedude/icon04.gif .. At any rate,I cant imagine they just gave the baby back to her.....Im sure the poor thing had damage due to being SLAMMED ON THE TRACKS AT THAT SPEED.....Im sure he was crying like crazy!!!!!!

Something isnt right about it...

05-09-2005, 11:34 AM
i didnt see anywhere in thew article where it said the woman went to take a dump ? it stated she went to the toilet area due to having labour pains.if the child was found to be ok and was checked and found to have no injuries then why not be handed back to the mother ? newborn babies are so soft due to the fact of them having to stand the pressure of being delivered through a relatively small space to come into the world then it could well stand far more of an impact than a week old child whose settled down since birth., this also occuring in a part of the world where things are done different to perhaps the areas where you inhabit it may to them seem not so big a deal as it does to you.

The Dude
05-09-2005, 01:41 PM
Yea i suppose so mate,i dunno......