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View Full Version : MSN for 98lite? (-IE)

09-29-2005, 04:52 AM
i have win98se with 98lite, and no IE.. and some very low specs (particularly cpu and disk space)

so i want a way to talk to people on MSN with atleast some text formatting and some sort of emoticon support. preferably file transfer.. and under active development. something that will just work and not cause me a lot of hassle/troubleshooting!

i was going to use MSN 3.6 (4 onwards require IE) and sfyx, but apparently that only works with XP/2K.. (if there is a 9x version of this that would be great)

so is there anything anyone can suggest? :confused:

10-12-2005, 05:21 AM
well.. i found out 4 onwards dont *actually* require IE, they just don't install if u don't have IE (*cough, anti-competitive practices*).. i found a zip of msn 5.5 and it worked fine.. except, as i can't use SFYX being as its windows 9x.. it wouldn't connect..

msn 7.5 (unsuprisingly) also didn't work.. but i reckon MSN 6 with the version # hacked would...

could someone please direct me to a link where i can download the zipped directory of (an already installed) MSN 6? .. or would someone please be kind enough to upload one or email it to me (< i'll PM u if so)

the gaffer
10-12-2005, 12:53 PM
you may get a faster response at a dedicated messenger forum there are many http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=msn+messenger+forums&meta=

10-12-2005, 04:34 PM
thanks i have tried.. but most use the latest version.. i am still trying both ways..

soo, anyone with msn 6.x.. can u please upload/email it?

10-16-2005, 12:12 PM
.. just use some other proggy that can connect to MSN netwerk (Trillian) ;)