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View Full Version : Spirits,etc...

The Dude
10-10-2005, 07:19 AM
I have a friend who used to go ORB hunting and man did he capture some amazing pics with the orbs clearly visible (Spirits,etc)


(Click on a pic to start scrolling thru them....(VERY INTERESTING -- 11 PAGES OF PICS))

My Ques is: If camaras and such can capture these wonderfull entitys,why cant we see them with our own eyes http://www.myfilestash.com./userfiles/thedude/confused.gif

This site HERE (http://theshadowlands.net/ghost) is interesting as hell!!!!!!

Sound clips,etc........Every and anytihng you could want to plunge into on this topic.........

Heres an awesome thread that some1 posted about thier experiences,looks like anuther site like shadowlands.net,very interesting

http://www.chatarea.com/StrangeHappeningsG...ociety.m2391059 (http://www.chatarea.com/StrangeHappeningsGhostAndHauntingsResearchSociety. m2391059)

Anyone else into this fascinating world of the spirits and ufo's and stuff?
I am overwhelmed with interest :)

the gaffer
10-10-2005, 04:39 PM
orbs or reflections of light as many see them dude can be misleading, every one has their own views on this subject.mine are simple and plain. ghosts or spirits as some refer to them are nothing more than a figment of your imagination, i remember a ghosty type situation where i visited a so called haunted place and a chap had just been hysterical having been sat in a room with a cup of tea and his friend and claims a ghost walked across the room and straight through the wall, yet his friend next to him saw nothing and both people having normal good eye sight,well i hate to put water on anyones fire but i placed an apple as far across the room as i could and asked them both if they could see it and yes sure as eggs are eggs they could,the reason for this is because it was truly there and not a figment of the imagination.the mind is a wonderful thing but also remember a frightened mind can and i believe does play tricks on people

The Dude
10-10-2005, 10:29 PM
It could be because your friend who didnt see it,HAS A CLOSED MIND while the other one can see across realms and has AN OPEN MIND........Very possible.......

the gaffer
10-11-2005, 02:00 AM
It could be because your friend who didnt see it,HAS A CLOSED MIND while the other one can see across realms and has AN OPEN MIND........Very possible.......

LOL LOL LOL can see across realms ? i think you been playing too many video games dude,where are these realms must be a long way away, scientists put men on the moon yet they never found them.CLOSED MIND i think you mean a non believer of such things and therefore someone whos mind will not conjure up things and play tricks on them in dark and spooky places.OPEN MIND someone who is susceptible to fear who is likely to have a figment of the imagination in similar circumstances.

Jaime Andrés
10-12-2005, 07:54 PM
Spirits, the only real ones have to be Islay single malts.

the gaffer
10-13-2005, 07:14 AM
Spirits, the only real ones have to be Islay single malts.

LOL LOL a classic spirit well know for making the mind conjure up images of other spirits.

straight talker
10-24-2005, 04:55 PM
LOL LOL LOL can see across realms ? i think you been playing too many video games dude,where are these realms must be a long way away, scientists put men on the moon yet they never found them.CLOSED MIND i think you mean a non believer of such things and therefore someone whos mind will not conjure up things and play tricks on them in dark and spooky places.OPEN MIND someone who is susceptible to fear who is likely to have a figment of the imagination in similar circumstances.
you wait pops,after all them years of telling me its time to come in as its getting dark and the spooks will soon be coming out, and i thought it was only father christmas you deceived me with. :eek:

The Dude
12-20-2007, 02:55 AM


See video from cams within also :)

the gaffer
12-21-2007, 02:00 AM
dude look out for the ghosts of xmas past, LOL lol

The Dude
12-21-2007, 06:56 AM
Ah man!!!!