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View Full Version : What Old Version of an Image Editor will read old .wpg files

01-01-2006, 12:31 PM
I have a old version of Corel Word Perfect Suite that has a large, very good file of Clipart in the old .wpg format that I bought in 1996. I am looking for an image editor that will read that old .wpg format and convert it to .jpg images, so that my modern software tools can use it.

I appreciate any suggestions, as I have tried seven and none can read that old .wpg format, only the new .wpg format. :( An image editor from 1996 should work, IF it will run on XP.

Thanks for the help.

the gaffer
01-01-2006, 01:38 PM
http://www.download-by.net/graphic-apps/converters-and-optimizers/151293,batch-image-converter-3plus.html this should suit your needs and its very little cost.