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View Full Version : Thank you to all our visitors & contributors.

OldVersion.com Admin
01-03-2006, 04:05 PM
Hey everyone,

I hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday weekends. I've had an excellent Christmas and New Years celebration (up until my unfortunate car accident, but that's another story).

After all the contributions we've been receiving from our visitors, I just felt obligated to write a general thank you to all the visitors who have contributed to the OldVersion.com mission. Whether you have sent us programs, contributed valuable content to this forum, or clicked on an advertisement here and there; it is all very much appreciated and does not go undervalued.

From time to time in the past, this site has been for a while without updates. We're working hard to make sure this no longer happens. Me and Charles have set aside time daily to respond to emails, server side/development changes (thanks Charles!), and of course uploading your favorite software titles. We hope to add different features to our site in the future while still retaining the simplicity for the visitors that just need to download the software title.

I've been extremely pleased with all the software contributions we've received. We still have a couple of programs that we will be adding over the next few weeks. Thanks a lot to "Schwinn" for a handful of software titles. Forum member Femella also provided me with Tiny Personal Firewall which I'm sure others will find of interest. There are countless others who have provided us with old versions and I thank you all deeply for helping us build up. I also can't thank forum member locust enough for helping us maintain order in the forums and providing countless valuable contributions. This goes the same to all the other regulars and everyone helping make the Requests forum a great tool and last-resort for those desperate for a specific title that may not yet be listed on our main site.

Also, Mac users are very much neglected; and we apologize for this. If anyone has any Mac old versions of any of our current software titles or any other programs which may be in high demand; PLEASE help us help the people with a Macintosh computer! Go ahead and send us an email and we will hook you up with an FTP or however you want to upload files. We have recently gained access to a Macintosh machine so we can finally test the appropriate versions and add them to our site.

Again, thank you all for helping us. It is the dedicated visitors of the site which continue to motivate us to grow, and we are forever grateful for everyone's support!

the gaffer
01-03-2006, 04:58 PM
and a massive thankyou to you guys for creating such a great forum for us all to visit,i personally have suffered terribly with a severe back problem and oldversion is always a place i can visit at any time of day or night when i have pain and discomfort and cannot sleep,so you are helping people in more ways than perhaps some folk realise.thankyou you are much appreciated in the excellent work you do.

01-06-2006, 10:40 PM
but i have used this site A LOT in the past

Just a suggestion, maybe you guys should have a paypal account with is linked to
a bank account you own and operate

put up a link in the contribute section and encourage people to donate to this site, it may generate a little bit more money for operation costs and all

The Dude
01-24-2006, 12:21 AM
Welcome to our site iamaloner :)

I hope you enjoy your stay w/us!

08-17-2009, 08:26 PM
I was registered at your forum just so I can spam you. And now I'm banned.

08-18-2009, 12:38 PM
Alright, I was wondering who was the crazy guy who had "archeologized" a 3 years old thread... now I know :}

The Dude
08-22-2009, 06:36 AM
I was registered at your forum just so I can spam you. And now I'm banned.Yes we see you have been busy!!


Spamming idiot!!

09-11-2009, 07:01 AM
Just registered to say thanks. I really appreciate your work and I often use this site.

I always recommend this site to my friends, because it's trustworthy and usefull!

Thank you!

The Dude
09-14-2009, 07:15 PM
Welcome to the site,glad to see NO SPAM in your reply :)

05-07-2010, 10:39 PM
Constance, I am in love with you! Here's a poem signifying how much I love you:

The Dude loves Constance
and Constance loves gaffer
and the gaffer uses the site to disappear
because it's all a circle
and constance is my center
he spins my wheels
and makes my dreams come true

OldVersion Admin
05-08-2010, 05:27 AM
Stay tuned, some exciting changes are happening to OldVersion.com and we are less than a few weeks away from launch.

The Dude
05-21-2010, 04:36 PM
I hope its not VB4 Alex!!

VB4 is garbage and anyone that goes to it doesnt care about quality or anything....

You cant search like you can on earlier (GOOD) versions,it looks horrible,its slower and complete crap and i hope your not gonna be one of the ROBOTS and put that crap on here even though it looks HORRIBLE compared to this!!

I like Old Version and i dont wanna lose another VBB site to VB4!!! (I have lost 4 in the last month (I dont visit them anymore))

There is NO REASON to goto VB4!!