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View Full Version : proxy avodance help

04-13-2006, 06:59 AM
Im trying to get to an evolution site in my school, but the schools websense blocks it, and it also blocks most religion sites. I've tried alot of proxies but only a few work, i was wondering if there was any legitimate way for me to veiw these sites? :confused:

oh and if anyone knows anything about access let me know im sooooo lost

the gaffer
04-13-2006, 02:47 PM
as you are in school then the only way you can get permission is from the schools IT administrator.any other way could land you in big trouble with the principal.

04-13-2006, 05:06 PM
I have no experience with 'Websense', but if it is anything like 'Dansguardian', which I have implemented in a network, then there won't be anyway around it's filtering.
Dansguardian filters each and every webpage based on content. It blocks pages on a weighted system. If a word exists on the webpage and is in a block list, then the webpage request is denied access at the proxy level. Plus it blocks based on URL's and more.
But I have not had the opportunity to try Websense so not sure if it as capable as Dansguardian.

04-16-2006, 09:47 AM
u can try this list of web proxies here (http://webproxylist.becompany.org)