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View Full Version : Help with CoolEdit

11-03-2006, 09:00 AM
hey all generous helpers

I need to:

Enhance the content of the real-life music signal corrupted with a background noise.

my aim is to reduce the Average RMS noise power by more than 25db, as measured by the Analyze/Statistics option of Cool Edit while achieving an acceptable musical quality for casual listening.

it will be gratefull if someone could let me know how to do that, i will send you the sound file if you need it to give you an idea of what exactly needs to be done

thanks for your time Jamie :)

11-04-2006, 10:08 AM
The background noise should be "simple" enough to remove if you have a section of the sound file which contains ONLY background noise sans the music. The key to this would be to sample the ambiance prior to getting the music. Then making a noise profile, then using that to apply a filter based on that profile to the file to eliminate such noise. You do not need to sample very much noise, as long as the noise remains consistant throughout the recording it should not take long to eliminate. If the noise varies throughout the recording, then you may need to sample different areas to eliminate the noise.

If you are talking about noise from a power source. It should either be 60hz or 50hz depending on where you live.

Also, if you can isolate the noise to a specific frequency then you could always remove that with a bandpass filter

11-05-2006, 11:08 AM
I am sorry but still clueless here, i try to do what you have told me, my mind just gets more blank as i try harder lol. i hink i need like step by step instructions, if that is not tooooo much hastle, and yes it is a contstant noise through the whole sound file over some opera singing, i am just still not a 100% sure on how to do it. Basically what you have just told is or does sound rite lol

if it makes it easier in any way you can add me on bilal_rulz_2003@hotmail.com

11-05-2006, 07:57 PM
To be honest, I do not have Cool Edit installed, as I do not currently have any computers running MS Windows. So I can not give a "Cool Edit" step-by-step howto.

But I can try to help still.
Find an area on the waveform that only has noise. Such as a break between songs. Or at the very begining or end of the recording. Isolate that section. You can copy n paste to a new window. Save as a new wav file. Or just run the noise reduction on that section.

Create a profile once you run the noise reduction on that sample. Then you should be able to apply your newly created noise profile over the entire recording. Thus reducing just the profiled sample. Which should remove that noise.