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View Full Version : Chakra Test

The Dude
11-25-2006, 10:20 AM

My Results:

Root: under-active (-38%)
Sacral: open (63%)
Navel: open (31%)
Heart: open (44%)
Throat: open (44%)
Third Eye: open (38%)
Crown: open (50%)

01-07-2007, 07:43 PM
Hi, thanksfor posting this. I did the chakra test...crown over the top. Heart basically closed.... it's neat to solve the big mysteries of life in a multiple choice test. There is also an Enneagram portion to this site, more complicated than the chakras, but I am not convinced that saying a few mantras will open the chakras. Consciousness might do the trick and the Enneagram may provide more specific pointers on that. Anyway,
thanks for posting this.

The Dude
01-10-2007, 01:56 AM
Welcome to the site :)