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View Full Version : My PC randomly Reboots on it's own :(

11-27-2006, 07:35 PM
so my PC has been occasionally rebooted on it's own. I will be in the middle of doing whatever and it just reboots!? wtf Please Help.

Also, the last couple days my PC was running somewhat sluggish. I checked for virsues and scanned with Ad-Aware SE Personal and everything seems normal like it usually is. Maybe i can go to somewhere in control panel settings? any suggestions.

The Dude
11-27-2006, 10:11 PM
Check your fans my friend and make sure nothing is blocking them,etc..

Usually this is a heat problem. (But not limited to)

Good luck :)

12-09-2006, 07:18 PM
Check your fans my friend and make sure nothing is blocking them,etc..

Usually this is a heat problem. (But not limited to)

Good luck :)

hey, thanks man. Yeah, i cleaned them out a little bit with some dust off and put a house hold fan up to my PC with the side panel/case off...luckily it hasn't done it for awhile. Keep your fingers crossed! :D

the gaffer
12-11-2006, 02:17 AM
have you tried it with the case side panel on since cleaning it out ? if it is just a heat issue then an exhaust blower fan may help as well,you will find them at your local pc shop etc or ebay have them in listings for very very little money and they are excellent,i use them in some of my systems and they fit into a spare pci slot,worth checking out.

12-11-2006, 07:46 PM
Since I home-brewed this box, and it is a full tower. Heat issues is a constant with this AMD box.
So far I am running a total of 7 fans.
To increase air-flow I had to cut a hole in the side of the machine, right at the level with the RAM & CPU. And I installed a spare PSU fan on the side. To direct air in. I have dual-fans above the PSU acting as exhausts.

It's best to keep the case cover ON. As they are designed for air-flow. Air comes in through the bottom, up across the MOBO and out through the back.
Leaving the side panel off will not allow for correct air circulation.

Another thing to check is what temperature your PC is set at to shutdown.

the gaffer
12-31-2006, 06:35 PM
Since I home-brewed this box, and it is a full tower. Heat issues is a constant with this AMD box.
So far I am running a total of 7 fans.
To increase air-flow I had to cut a hole in the side of the machine, right at the level with the RAM & CPU. And I installed a spare PSU fan on the side. To direct air in. I have dual-fans above the PSU acting as exhausts.

It's best to keep the case cover ON. As they are designed for air-flow. Air comes in through the bottom, up across the MOBO and out through the back.
Leaving the side panel off will not allow for correct air circulation.

Another thing to check is what temperature your PC is set at to shutdown.

certainly a good job fans are smoother and quieter than they used to be,i can sure remember the day when 7 fans in i casing would of sounded like a helicopter hovering and would also of had a small amount of vibration

01-01-2007, 12:56 AM
certainly a good job fans are smoother and quieter than they used to be,i can sure remember the day when 7 fans in i casing would of sounded like a helicopter hovering and would also of had a small amount of vibration

Yes, it's quieter than in the past but not quiet by much.
My new iMac is absolutely silent, and it has a dual-core CPU. It mostly runs 24/7 doing video encoding so the CPUs are always running around 170%. But I never hear the fan.

On the router I built years ago. It has zero fans in it. It runs well and never overheats. The CPU is even overclocked.
The CPU is a CYRIX brand.

Today, I had to blast dust out of my AMD box, as it was overheating after encoding for about 2 straight hours.

I am currently creating a new heatsink for it. From a 1 foot by 1 foot sheet of 1/4inch thick copper stock. Which originally is used for lightening arresting for a golf course alert system.

If this does not solve the issue, then it might be time to get a new AMD CPU or switch to one of the new Intel Core Duo's. Though I do like the performance of the AMD's.