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View Full Version : I need help badly

12-25-2006, 01:50 PM
I had a dell laptop with two opreating systems xp pro sp2 and xp media center editon sp 2 which came with the notebook. the xp mce has two accounts with passwords.I could not browse with the xp mce that is why i installed the xp pro.recently i could not browse with the xp pro too so i did a repair but still could not browse so i decided to delete the windows of the xp pro during the reinstallation.accidently i ended up deleting the windows of the xp mce.i have installed the xp mce again but all my documents is locked in these two accounts.anytime i try to open it i gives me acces denied.does anybody know how i can reopen these accounts in the xp mceand access my documents.please help

12-25-2006, 06:37 PM
delexis, Can you access this os thought MY Computer or Windows Explorer, if so,
got to :Docuements and Settings, and See if their is a User or all users or a
Docuemnts Folder and see if you can open it up. YOu may be able to copy or burn these to another medium.

12-26-2006, 04:52 AM
Going to documents and settings to see the different accounts was the first thing I did.the accounts are there but if you try to open it tells you access denied