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View Full Version : Trouble syncing iPod

01-05-2007, 10:58 AM
So I have been using my iPod quite frequently since it's purchase and this is the first trouble I have had with it. Well I plugged in my iPod Mini a few days ago it made a playlist of all my songs because I was a few songs over 3.7 Gigs and loaded them up from there. I then followed to delete a few songs to make it not over the needed amount and deleted the playlist that it set. Although all of my library was present and I can still use iTunes it keeps saying that the playlist that needs to be loaded from is not present. Now I would be able to continue through and try to fix it but when my iPod is plugged in ever since then after that message comes up it leads to a blue screen and says hardware is not properly installed. So....my first question is.

1. How do I fix the whole blue screen thing?
2. How do i reload my songs onto my iPod?

You're help would be very appreciated seeing is how Colorado is getting snowed in yet again and I am stuck at home.

Thank You

01-05-2007, 12:02 PM
What version of MS Windows are you running? Which version of iTunes are you using?
Did you correctly unmount/eject/disconnect your iPod or did you disconnect it without first doing so?

Maybe try loading iTunes up without connecting the iPod. Then try to connect the iPod.

Not really sure how to answer your problem. I do not run iTunes on a MS Windows machine, just on my iMac.

01-05-2007, 12:08 PM
I am using Windows 2000 and am using the newest iTunes 7.0 and when it set up the playlist automatically i unplugged it correctly but from then on when it hits the blue screen I just unplug it when i turn off my computer. I have tried that a few times and I even uninstalled iTunes and reloaded it up and reset my iPod.

I also checked on iTunes help and it gives an option to restore the iPod but thats only as it is plugged in and connected to your computer.

01-05-2007, 02:15 PM
Side note, did you happen to update Windows Media Player along the lines?

I had heard before, many people complaining about iTunes 7. I am sticking with 6.05. Though my friend did accidently upgrade her version to 7, running Windows Media Center, but has not had any issues with 7 that I am aware of.

There is a thread on the board dealing with many peoples interest in downgrading from 7. So that thread might hold answers for you there. As this thread is more likely iTunes related than iPod.

01-05-2007, 05:05 PM
Ok, so I checked out some other forums and came across a version 6.5 download and some steps so I have been following the steps and have encountered a problem. I uninstalled iTunes 7 and installed iTunes 6.5 and when I boot up iTunes it says "....could not be created because the file 'iTunes Library.itl' has been created by a newer version of iTunes. So where do I locate that file and what do I do now....HELP

01-05-2007, 08:12 PM
You can try searching for that file, using the FIND feature on Windows. Enter the filename you mention above. Then once you locate that file. Rename it to something like "iTunes Library.OLD". Then re-run iTunes. Hopefully, that will allow for creation of that file under the older version of iTunes 6.5

This might also help, from Apples website. (regarding above file)

Also. you can post questions on Apples forum relating to itunes issues.


the gaffer
01-07-2007, 09:09 AM
if the above doesnt get you sorted i have seen http://forums.ipodlounge.com/ recommended on other forums i visit and it seems highly recommended