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View Full Version : VLC Player in Windows Vista 32 Bit -- Not working!

02-24-2007, 04:44 PM
Help me please :)

I have Vista 32 bit and for some reason Im encountering problems .. Im really not sure what the problem is, which is why I'm coming here.

I looked on the help page on Microsoft and they said maybe it has to do with drivers .. but you guys know how their FAQ are .. they arent good for anything sometimes

The main thing that got me to realize I had a problem was playing a .wmv file in VLC Player .. this is obviously wrong because VLC basically can play any format. I've tried this in WMP and I got an error message as well.

I tried playing the example videos that come with the computer and they still didn't work. Basically, I can hear the sound and everything, but the video itself turns up white. WTF!? lol

I'm calling VLC Player via the program, but a browser.

Can someone help me please.

Thank you

The Dude
02-24-2007, 11:18 PM
Welcome to the site Greg :)

Have you tried running VLC in COMPATIBILIOTY MODE?? (WinXP or Win98se) that might work......

Good luck :)

02-24-2007, 11:59 PM
Considering that this site is Oldversion. Many users may not have yet upgraded to Vista, or have incompatible systems which will not allow them to run Vista.
So getting help here may be the wrong choice, You may want to ask this question on a Vista board or if VLC has a forum.

But that does not mean someone can not help you here. Or atleast offer possible suggestions.

Are you certain that the video file you are trying to play is not corrupt? Did it play correctly on a different player? Just asking since you received an error message in WMP as well.

Is the WMV a protected video?

Maybe you should try another player. Can't promise it will work but MPlayer (http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html) is a very capable player. I run it on MS Windows, GNu/Linux & OS X.

If you download this, you will want to scroll down a little to the binary offerings.