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03-05-2003, 11:49 PM
Can you get or point me to some old versions of Netscape Navigatior? It used to be more stable than comparable versions of IE and used less system resources too. Thanks.

03-06-2003, 01:07 AM

They have an amazing browser archive. They even have NCSA Mosaic (the browser that Microsoft Iinternet Explorer was based off of).

03-24-2003, 06:07 PM
Netscape kicks ass

03-24-2003, 08:34 PM

04-13-2003, 05:53 PM
old netscape that let port 80 get dir lists

04-14-2003, 10:10 AM
if thats netscape navigator 4.0 i have it and can send it to you by snial mail :rolleyes:

04-14-2003, 04:21 PM
Or you could download it at http://browsers.evolt.org/

04-19-2003, 09:57 PM
Netscape archives all of their old products for public download, so you really don't need to request it here. Check with their product archive or FTP site.


06-08-2003, 10:14 PM

I was wondering how come you don't have old versions of Netscape or Mozilla on your site?

Have a nice day, Steve :)

06-08-2003, 10:55 PM
evolt (http://browsers.evolt.org)

Go to this link and you will find what you need.
The space requiements of the large files are a big factor, in why they do not keep these files. this site is the answer to almost any browser that you could want to play with. :)

06-09-2003, 08:14 AM
Thanks for the link:)

Mozilla's telling me it doesn't exist, but it could just be down at the moment. After browsing the Programs forum I did notice someone posted a link on where to get older versions of Netscape.

Have a nice day, Steve

07-08-2003, 02:36 AM
Good Luck in your search.

07-08-2003, 08:40 PM
getting a DIR list from a website is handled on the server side, not the client side.
any web browser will display the dir, IF the server is set to permit dir listings, and most do not permit this as it can be a security risk.

07-31-2003, 03:59 PM
Does anyone know where I can download a version of Netscape 4.7 ??

07-31-2003, 04:02 PM
take your pick


08-02-2003, 02:54 PM
Netscape website has all of the versions.

02-05-2004, 07:41 AM
Ya Need Netscape 5.x or 6.x the new version 7 just won't work

Website http://www.netscape.com
current version 7.x
need version 5.x or 6.x

02-05-2004, 08:12 AM
There is no Netscape 5 series.
4 series, 6 series and 7.0 and 7.1
(plus the earlier than 4 which I have never used
What are you trying to do??

02-05-2004, 08:12 AM
Please search the forum before posting, as this has been asked in many forms over time and has been answered dozens of times.
OldVersion is not going to host anymore web browsers, as there is already a competent archive for web browsers at http://browsers.evolt.org/
and you can also find various versions of netscape here

03-08-2004, 04:13 PM
Can't find it anywhere. Hoping someone still has it around. Has a web page builder.

03-08-2004, 04:37 PM
Please take a few moments to search the forum before posting. As any requests for older browsers has been asked many times over an over. Each time with the same answer. You can find your answer in this thread, as well in many others.
http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?a...&st=0#entry6937 (http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?act=ST&f=3&t=1917&st=0#entry6937)

If your looking for a Free HTML editor, check this previous thread for FREEWARE editors.
http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?a...&st=0#entry7269 (http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?act=ST&f=3&t=1984&st=0#entry7269)

03-12-2004, 08:04 PM

I looked thru the posts, I did a search for Netscape 3.0 and got a replyt similar to this:

Sorry, but we did not find any matches to display. Try again and broaden your search criteria. If you were searching for new posts since your last visit, it's
possible that there are none to show.

I guess putting Netscape 3.0 into the search box isn't the proper way to search.

Thanks for the link!

... jimbo

03-12-2004, 09:05 PM
on the evolt.browser site you can find the 3.0 versions here
When searching for programs, drop off the version numbers, narrow the search, try just 'netscape', this is better than including to much info, such as using 'netscape navigator 3.0'
Also, sometimes searching just means looking through a couple of pages, as the more popular apps; such as web browsers; are asked for constantly, and all it would take would be to scroll down a few pages.

05-29-2004, 12:20 AM
i build old computers and i have a hard time finding old netscape versions cause they sometimes run better on older pcs and there great for testing out webpages in HTML code. i think having them on here would be great.

05-29-2004, 09:02 AM
You can find old web browsers at http://browsers.evolt.org/ and here http://home.speedline.ca/tools/downloads/windows9x/

05-29-2004, 05:22 PM
http://www.sillydog.org/narchive/ have a look at this then or this http://wp.netscape.com/download/archive.html

11-25-2004, 09:14 AM
Version 4.7 is the best. It functions real quick, doesn't have 'register me!' messages and it is stable. :lol:

01-12-2005, 08:37 PM
How about Netscape Navigator/Communicator?

straight talker
01-13-2005, 04:50 AM
Originally posted by Smokey@Jan 12 2005, 09:37 PM
How about Netscape Navigator/Communicator?
please read and follow the pinned topic HOW TO REQUEST AN APP and add the necessary info back into this thread, also search before posting as this could well of been requested before , search results for netscape
http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?a...ghlite=netscape (http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?act=Search&CODE=show&searchid=5920313d5ca0390537b3309d35eeb319&search_in=posts&result_type=topics&highlite=netscape)

01-13-2005, 10:40 AM
topics merged

02-15-2005, 06:10 PM
i used netscape v4.7 with win 95 and 98 and it always caused the system to crash! i only did it becouse then i dident like win-but couldent understand apple, and i loved the lighthouse.
Is it better with XP? Is it possiable to add the lighthouse to v8.0 ???


02-15-2005, 08:17 PM
What lighthouse are you talking about, the splash-screen?

02-16-2005, 03:11 AM
Yes, i think it was v4,3??? or v4.8 just befor they released communicator 6. that really messed up my system! It was a tall light house with a beam of light at the top,I bought a mac in 2001 and that had it as well, i still have the mac never used noone i know can install it for cable!!!
Just one question, why would someone install and use an old version of netscape? like going back to IE 4 when i treid that everything was magnified and it really dident work. And theres Firefox or off by one browser--thats really fastttttttttttttttttttt. and so small it dosent seem to exist!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink:

02-16-2005, 06:50 AM
Many people had problem with v6 of Netscape. Try using Mozilla or the latest Netscape Navigator.
Are you using a router for your cable access? If you have one, just set up the Apple OS to use DHCP, its really simple to do. Same goes if you plan to just hook it straight to the cable line.
Someone may use older versions of programs since they do not have the latest hardware to be able to run these newer apps.
You may be able to use a resource editor, remove the Lighthouse splash screen from one version and replace the newest splash screen in a newer version with the lighthouse.

02-16-2005, 09:36 AM
i will try that, i thought the page would be locked,imagin useing mozilla1.7 with netscape splash screen!!
I use firefox 1.0 and off by one. I liked firefox0.8 the best can i make a seperate program file folder if download 0.8?? what should i call the folder? Lat time i tried to install an older version of opera it went anyway to the opera file???Even though id made another folder and pointed the setup to it??

02-16-2005, 06:57 PM
Mozilla, is netscape. So using Mozilla's splash screen on Netscape wouldn't be to odd. Firefox is Mozilla. Netscape is just a complete web suite, packages with a e-mail reader, web composer HTML editor. Mozilla is just a standalone browser.

When installing, be sure to specify the exact path you want the app installed to, Such as
Don't let the program install automatically with out your intervention. It may work, it may not. Only thing is you can try.

02-17-2005, 11:44 AM
Ah thats it! a lot of programs install automatically, so once ive made a file c:/firefox 0.8 and browsed and pointed to the file how can i be sure it goes there or how do i manually install??

02-17-2005, 12:41 PM
Most apps ask you where do you want it installed to. So just pay close attention when installing, Pick the advanced options - if one exists. Then you can adjust the path.

Solution if you do not have an option to specify the path, just rename the other installed copy to something else. So if C:\program FIles\Firefox is installed (for example) just rename it to C:\Program Files\Firefox7.

Then create a new shortcut to the binary in Firefox7.

Then install the newer version, or whatever version you want to install. Now if it does not give you an option where to place it, you wont need to worry about it overwriting your other copy.

02-18-2005, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by locustfurnace@Feb 16 2005, 07:57 PM
Mozilla is just a standalone browser.
I think you meant Firefox. Mozilla is the suite with composer, chat and & e-mail.

Netscape have a new beta out based on the latest Firefox release.

02-19-2005, 12:49 AM
Right. I meant Firefox
I don't use any of them, I just stick with Konqueror. But since getting GNOME 2.9.1 running, I might try Epiphany or Galeon once more.

03-20-2005, 07:36 PM
I have old netscape 4.79, a 23 meg file available. I still use netscape messenger for some of my e-mail as it allows me to copy/paste text and graphics into the message body/ Firefox is good as a new browser


04-27-2005, 12:52 PM
Program Name: Netscape
Website: http://www.browser.netscape.com
Current version:7.2 (Beta 8.0 too)
Desired versions:6.x
Description: Web Browser

I used to use Netscape 6, which worked way better than version 7. I ws wondering where I can get it.

07-30-2005, 07:26 AM
Does anyone still have the Netscape 4 install?

07-30-2005, 09:48 AM