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View Full Version : Bulletin Boards and File Downloads

02-09-2008, 07:18 AM
Dear Sirs,
Hopefully this message is "off topic" enough to be on the general forum. I found this your website because you referenced my website.

I found you on the internet as being interested in bbs's and file downloads. I am an old-time bbs sysop who still has an interest. Here are some websites that might be useful.

http://www.telnetbbsguide.com http://www.bbsmates.com http://www.bbsfinder.com And you can check the newsgroup: alt.bbs.ads for additional advertising.

I have my own free hybrid telnet chat/downloads website bbs http://www.ChatNFiles.com which is why I am contacting you. But if your not aware of those other resources then this would be a pure sales pitch. :-)

Hopefully this was helpful.
