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View Full Version : epson printer will not collate anymore

12-11-2008, 11:24 AM
I upgraded from an older e-mac to a new i mac running OS 10.5.4. I downloaded the Epson drivers. Printing is OK except that my printers (Epson C84 & RX680) won't collate pages like they did before. Collate is checked in the print box. Online Epson support was no help. Any thoughts will be appreciated.

the gaffer
12-16-2008, 12:18 AM
Hi there.
Not many mac users around here,The mod LOCUSTFURNACE i believe runs them,He may shed some light when he signs in,This does however sound like a software problem,check you have the correct version for your OS and make sure it is actually compatible with the NEW OS you are running,if all appears well you could try reinstalling it.