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View Full Version : Acdsee

04-14-2003, 12:32 AM
I got a new computer last week and my working, not trial version of ACDSee is on the old computer&#39;s hard drive. When I tried to copy it to my new computer&#39;s HD, it reverted to a trial version. I d&#39;loaded the same version I have, 3.1, but no matter what I do, I cannot get it to switch from trial <sigh> to full. I really LIKE ACDSee; I do not need or want the latest (5.x), I&#39;m happy with the job that 3.1 did/does. How can I get this to work on my new Dell? Any help will be appreciated.


I&#39;ll take a risk... contact me: marshall@gate.net <-- please, no spam

04-24-2003, 09:57 AM
Did you have a password for the original version?