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View Full Version : Thesaurus Dictionary Program

04-28-2003, 10:46 PM
Need/want a super handy thesaurus/dictionary? go to wordweb.info/free/ and download. I've been using it for more than two years and love it. You can look up a word, find synonyms, antonynms, variations, etc.. It can be used while running all sorts of programs. It keeps a record of all your searches (until you close it) and you can have more than one of it's windows open at the same time. It has caused me no problems whatsoever and I would sadly miss it if something happened that caused it to be lost. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! :) :rolleyes: :)
This is my first visit to this site. I saw listed in PC mag. Looks great. :rolleyes: I had been wondering where I could get an older version of windows media player because the new one is too ---- for me to understand. My old version was lost when I had to reformat. Thanx. -Crash :blink:

11-26-2003, 12:52 PM
a similar app, Gurunet (FREE version and Paid version available.) a 1-click referrence tool, look up words, facts, spell-checker, thesaurus and word translations, accessed by Alt-clicking on any word or phrase in any Windows document. With a single click on any word, GuruNet delivers valuable real-time and reference data, including encyclopedia and dictionary terms, thesaurus, acronyms, tech terms, quotations, idioms, people, company descriptions, stock quotes, news, sports, weather, maps...