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View Full Version : PSP 9 and windows 7 some tools and plugins won't work

06-30-2010, 12:23 PM
Can anyone help please. I have PSP v9 and have loved it over the years. I do a lot of work on it and have added many plug in filters to it. I recently bought textart, (have used the trial version for ages on my old pc which has XP and had no probs with it), I bought a new pc when mine crashed and it has windows 7. At first everything thing went well and at a really nice speed. Suddenly after buying textart and installing it into my plugin folder it freezes. Now I can't use some of my tools without psp freezing up. this includes the preset shapes tool and the tubes tool. Can anyone help please. I have tried to download a patch from Corel but it says I am not registered with coral for upgrades, (it was owned by Jacq when I bought my psp).

I am lost without these tools and my psp......Pleaseee help.