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View Full Version : Serial number error

08-27-2010, 12:01 PM
Hello oldversion community!
a serial number error has appear when I try to install nero 7 ultra edition program
¿Can enyone help me?


08-28-2010, 08:12 AM
maybe you typed that serial number in wrong
or maybe there is a limit to how many times you can use that serial number
if that is true you may need a new serial number
contact support at Nero.com they may be able to help you
do you still have your warranty and or proof of purchase

on second note you don't need the ¿
¿Can enyone help me?

its Can anyone help me?

and appear should be appeared past tense

a serial number error has appeared when I try to install nero 7 ultra edition program

apart from that your English was perfect

i don't mean to sound like an arse hole
but you're use of ¿ made me think than English is not your first language
and i only intended to help improve your English

on a third note
if you cant fix this problem
you could get a free trial and keep setting your computer calender back to 1 day after you initially installed Nero before you use Nero

if all else fails you could use another piece of software
i recommend CD Burner XP