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View Full Version : Ftp Utility

07-07-2003, 07:30 AM
Please could anybody help as I'm looking for a small, old-version FTP utility which I will use primarily for downloading files from an FTP. I also have a question. As I could not download files from an FTP via the Microsoft Internet Explorer, does this mean that an IE cannot download files from an FTP? Thanks for your assistance.

07-07-2003, 06:04 PM
IE, should be able to view FTP folders. go to the TOOLS, INTERNET OPTIONS, ADVANCED, and check mark the view ftp folders.

you do presently have a ftp program installed on your system, unless MS decided to remove it, it would prolly depend on the OS your running. but as far as win9x goes. it is there. its a very small, simple ftp app.
click the START, RUN, type in ftp xxx.xxx.xxx (ip address),
or ftp ftp://somesite.net or ftp somsite.net.

if you just want to start the ftp app without an address, just type on the RUN, ftp.

if you need help running the program, just type a ? mark, it all the command options will be displayed for you.

now if you dont want to use that program. look for ftp apps on simtel.net, or tucows.com

07-08-2003, 12:24 AM
Dear Locustfurnace

Thank you very much for your detailed advice. I'll follow your instructions and am hopeful it works out fine. Thanks once again. Gris.