It seems a lot of people are having problems with MSN, from the number of posts with this same topic, question. Have you looked through all the past posting for possible solutions?
I never used MSN, and never will. But there are alot of people here who do use it, and some who use Easy Message with no problems at all.
With all the changes taking place from Microsoft, I suspect lots of incompatibilites will exist for many more users. Just right now it seems not to be a good time to be a MSN user.
Have you considered switching to ICQ or AOL IMS. I have bene using ICQ since '97 and never had the problems the MSN userbase is experiencing.
Not too sure what you mean by too slow? too slow to do what? get connected to the servers? send messages?Originally posted by Stevey22@Oct 4 2003, 11:26 AM
Anyway i tried others like Easymessenger, & Miranda both i found to slow.