Many versions old versions available here (please read the sticky post in the request forum before posting) this topic is old
Hi. I'm having trouble with MusicMatch Jukebox (series 8). The earlier versions of this application, versions 8.0 and 8.1, had bugs that caused them to hang with XP.
After I upgraded to the Pro version of 8.1, I received a fix included in version 8.2. Unfortunately, I no longer have that and and my reinstall with version 8.1 is just "hanging" there -- "hourglass" city -- after each attempt to install. SO -- I'd really appreciate a copy of the version 8.2 file.
Many versions old versions available here (please read the sticky post in the request forum before posting) this topic is old
I swore by Musicmatch for the longest time because I liked all the advanced features it had. But it up and died on me so many times, even after I would re-install Windows, etc., it would work for awhile and then poop out again. There are so many good players out there and I liked Winamp, but it didn't have the file organization that I liked from Musicmatch, (album art, being able to rename a batch of files by the tag ID, etc.), so I finally found Mediamonkey and it does everything Musicmatch did and then some... plus, it doesn't crash every other minute.
I don't have an iPod, but supposedly, it supports iPod synching, cd-ripping and burning, etc..
The best thing is it's freeware and you can get the gold version for $19.95...
chk it out..
need help getting musicmatch 7.5 any body know where i can download it at i just see alot musicmatch 10.0 thanks
kinda in the same boat. Cant find anything but ver.10 .anyone know where i can get an older version to bypass DRM protection thing coz cant get it to work with my piece o junk mp3 player? Cheers
I used to have musicmatch 6, but cannot find the version I used to have. I had it on a cd, but it wont work now. All I remember about it is that the icon was like this:
*=this showed up wrong with just spaces, so I had to put these here to make it look right, these are the equivalent of a space, please treat it like that
With the '\' being the middle, and one side being black, one white. an 'm' was in the middle, and i think there were spike things around the 'm', like this:
Please excuse my ASCII, its the best way I can illustrate it
Does someone have that version, or know where I can get it?
Last edited by maff130; 09-21-2006 at 01:34 PM. Reason: Showed up wrong (ASCII)
Thanks for the link. I used it to install MMJB v7.5 on my old pc (OS XP Pro, SP2) and it works fine. Today, I tried to install it on our laptop (OS XP Home, SP2) but it won't completely install. I make it all the way to the end of the 'installshield wizard' and then nothing happens. I end up having to do the "ctrl alt del". Then I get a box saying that "an error occurred while launching the setup. The remote procedure call failed." (Yes, I'm connected to the internet) Anybody got any ideas why and how to fix it?
Last edited by hrd2hndl; 09-27-2006 at 10:51 PM. Reason: trying to be more precise
Anyone know where to download Musicmatch Jukebox v9?
I get the same error. Regardless of what old version I attempt to install or how/where I download it freezes at the end and I recieve that error when I force quit it. I am running windows xp sp2 media center addition. I think it has something to do with the RPC fixes in service pak 2?