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  1. #11


    Here's some info on K-Lite 2.6 RC12:

    Khancer Update:
    * New Icons
    * ASM Doesnt Work For Leechers
    * Fixes To Multi-Tab ASM
    * Fixed Window Focus
    * ASM Can Be Integrated Into KMD
    * Fixes ASM Integration
    * New "About" Box
    * Minor Fixes

    * If The "Clean Install KMD" Option Is Selected, this MUST Be On The Desktop For It To Work!
    * This Program Adds All Needed Registry Keys - So A Earlier Version Isn't Required
    * It Is Recommended You Uninstall Older Versions Of K-Lite Before Upgrading
    * Kazaa Media Desktop To Copyright To Sharman Networks

    Changes In RC12:
    * Updated Startpage
    * Updated Khancer
    * Removed Uneeded DLL
    * Added Multitab ASM
    * Updated Speed-Up
    * Changed Speed-Up Registry Keys
    * Fixed Startpage
    * New HOSTS File (It should removed the old one&#33
    * Added New KLrun Quicklinks
    * Installer Now Uses The Latest Inno Setup
    * Minor Fixes

    To Do Before Final:
    * New Help File
    * Custom User Config Wizard
    * Improve Appearance Of Installer
    * New Icons
    * Reduce Size
    * Fix Bugs
    * New "About" Box
    * "Preview With...." Menu
    * Built In/ New Accelerator
    * A Few Minor Things
    * Improve HOSTS File
    * Sort Out BannedIP's (New Location/ Different Entries)

    removed links: 2004-19-07 refer to [Oldversion.com vs Sharman Networks

  2. #12


    Wow, a new K-Lite version has been released "K-Lite 2.6 RC13"

    Changes In RC13
    * Updated Khancer
    Khancer Changelog
    - New Icons
    - ASM Doesnt Work For Leechers
    - Fixes To Multi-Tab ASM
    - Fixed Window Focus
    - ASM Can Be Integrated Into KMD
    - Fixes ASM Integration
    - New "About" Box
    - Minor Fixes
    * Enabled Autosearch More By Default
    * Fixed Magnet Link Ossocation Problem
    * Fixed Sig2Dat Problem
    * New Location For BannedIP's
    * Updated BannedIp Database
    * Applied Compression To KDat
    * Removed Uneeded Runtimes
    * New Graphics In Installer
    * Enabled Multi-Tab Autosearch More By Default
    * Changed Default Autosearch More To 2 Minutes
    * Updated Startpage
    * Added Option To Enable/Disable HOSTS
    * New Speed Up Tool
    * New Look To Installer
    * Changed Max Search Results To 200
    * Added Custom Icon On Setup
    * Updated HOSTS
    * Compiled With The Latest Inno Setup
    * Added Options To End Of Installer
    * Modded Config Wizard
    * Re-Added "Launch K-lite" To Config Wizard
    * Split HOSTS Into 2 Parts - One For KMD (Always Installed) And Another For Adds
    * Minor Fixes

    By the way the is even a Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.4, download it from the link that I put in the first post.

  3. #13


    The developers of K-Lite have released a very interesting application called K-Cleanup, here it is:

    Cleans Your System Of Anything Kazaa Related (Including Spyware And The Program Itself)

    * Nothing Is Installed - Everything Is Ran From The Installer Itself!
    * Please Select The "Search And Destroy" Option To Remove Anything Kazaa Related

    Changes In v1.1:
    * Fixed Bug Where Uninstaller Was Created
    * Added Some Missing Registry Keys
    * Reduced Size
    * Minor Fixes


    And there is even another program called Nod32 Antivirus:

    • Download It Now, theres ALOT of viruses on Kazaa.
    • Scans for the latest virus definitions


    removed links: 2004-19-07 refer to [Oldversion.com vs Sharman Networks

  4. #14


    I see that some download from the link of my first post are corrupted, here are some other links:

    removed links: 2004-19-07 refer to [Oldversion.com vs Sharman Networks

  5. #15
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Your a member, you do not have to add yet another reply to the thread, just to bring it back up to the top, you can edit your own postings to correct errors.
    you have posted 7 times in this thread, unecessarily.
    Do not reply to this message either. there is not need for that, just read it. and dont add another reply, if you want to make corrections, edit your own postings.

  6. #16



    Do you have a fixation with Kazaa? Maybe shares you own in the company? What is the point of all the Kazaa posting when they seem to be picking Kazaa users out at random to charge? This site seems to be overrun with Kazaa garbage. Personally I think they opught to delete 90% of the posts for Kazaa and stick to a listing of where to download older copies of it. This is the 2nd posting from you I've seen today with not a word changed. Give it a rest.


    I know, you're an undercover cop trying to encourage people to use Kazaa just so you can get your quote of busts for this month.

  7. #17


    I think you didn't read all the postings in the previous page of this topic. I'm putting in all the changes from RC to RC of K-Lite 2.6. And then all the other postings on Kazaa I've made them to answer the people that needed help or suggestions. And then I don't know how you can think that I am a cop, if you look at a topic of a serial number solution of Nero (started by me) you'll see a post full of edits and that means that I put serials all over the topic (and I was wrong), I don't think that cops could post serials on the net.
    If Kazaa Lite is a popular subject I can't do nothing about it. And see that Kazaa and Kazaa lite haven't got an official forum (Kazaa Lite has but it's illegal) then all the people that want help or suggestions go and post there requests in a forum that accepts any postings of programs.
    Kazaa Lite is unfindable on the net so I'm keeping uptaded my topic of all the realeases so that all the people that are visiting this forum can finally get the k-Lite that they were looking for (always in they are looking for it).
    Please register your self like that you can post me private messages and stop posting useless postings in this thread.

    From now I'll keep putting my updates in this post so that this thread wont be always on top, so If you are interested in being updated in K-Lite 2.6 visit this post where the are all the updates.

    K-Lite 2.6 Section^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    * If The "Install KMD Without Uneeded Components" Option Is Selected, must Be On The Desktop For It To Work!
    * Kazaa.exe Is Need From Elsewhere Unless The "Install KMD Without Uneeded Componants" Option Is Selected
    * This Program Adds All Needed Registry Keys - So A Earlier Version Isn't Required
    * It Is Recommended You Uninstall Older Versions Of K-Lite Before Upgrading
    * Kazaa Media Desktop To Copyright To Sharman Networks


    Changes In RC16

    * Updated Khancer
    > Change Log
    - Added Multiple Selection Action
    - Reorganisation Of Right Click Menu
    * Updated HOSTS
    * Updated BannedIP's
    * Improvements To Installer Appearance
    * Improved Compression On Installer

    To Do Before Final:
    * New Startpage
    * Improve/ Add To
    * Custom User Config Wizard
    * New Icons
    * Reduce Size
    * Fix Bugs
    * New "About" Box
    * Built In Accelerator
    * Integrate "Gui Hacking" Features Into Khancer


    To Do:
    - add 'pause all'
    - add 'resume all'
    - add possibility to reorder tools
    - fix bugs

    Kazaa Lite K++ Section^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Here's the new version of K++ (the Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.4)


    * Kazaa Lite K++ v2.4.4
    * KL Extensions v0.57a
    * KL Configuration Wizard v1.3.2


    * Avi Preview+
    * K-Dat v1.2.3.0
    * K-Sig v1.2.3.5 Beta
    * KaZuperNodes v1.4.8 RC2
    * KaNat v0.3.8 RC2
    * IP Blocker Updater v.1.3
    * Host File Manager v1.4


    K-Lite Codecs Section ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    K-Lite Codec Pack 2.20 Basic

    • DivX Pro Decoding 5.1.1
    • XviD Decoding 24/06/2003
    • 3ivX D4 4.5
    • Windows Media
    • Windows Media
    • Windows Media VCM
    • Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 DirectShow decoder
    • Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 ACM Codec
    • WMA DirectShow decoder
    • AC3 DirectShow decoder 0.70b
    • DirectVobSub (vsfilter) 2.31
    • GSpot Codec Information Appliance 2.21 build 030711

    [Download] (2.24Mb)

    K-Lite Codec Pack 2.20 Full

    • BSplayer 0.86.501
    • DivX Pro Decoding 5.1.1
    • DivX Pro Decoding 5.1.1
    • DivX MPEG-4 Low and Fast motion
    • Xvid Decoding 24/06/2003
    • Xvid Encoding 24/06/2003
    • 3ivX D4 4.5
    • Windows Media

    [Download] (6.28Mb)

    Kazaa Lite Links Section ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    * Kazaa Lite & K-Lite forum. Discuss Kazaa Lite builds & K-Lite codecs here.
    * K-Lite v2.6 forum. Discuss K-Lite v2.6 builds only here

    K-Cleanup Section^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^

    Cleans Your System Of Anything Kazaa Related (Including Spyware And The Program Itself)

    * Nothing Is Installed - Everything Is Ran From The Installer Itself!
    * Please Select The "Search And Destroy" Option To Remove Anything Kazaa Related

    Changelog 1.1 > 1.25:
    * Changed Look
    * Compiled With Latest Inno Setup
    * Added A Few Missing Registry Keys
    * Removed "Ready" Page
    * Removed "Finish" Page
    * Minor Fixes


    Note: All of these app are illegal, even if they got a lot of security stuff installed this wont stop the RIAA from sueing you, your penalty could be very high. If you want to download it you download it at your own risk.

    removed links: 2004-19-07 refer to [Oldversion.com vs Sharman Networks

  8. #18
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Originally posted by Salopette+Feb 11 2004, 11:33 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Salopette @ Feb 11 2004, 11:33 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>And see that Kazaa and Kazaa lite haven&#39;t got an official forum [/b]

    Which is no reason to turn OldVersions&#39; forum into an "Unoffical" Kazaa Forum.
    Originally posted by -Salopette@Feb 11 2004, 11:33 AM
    If Kazaa Lite is a popular subject I can&#39;t do nothing about it.
    It really is not that popular here, you just feel it is so popular because thats the only subject you are focusing on. And you CAN do something, stop continuing to add NEW threads every time you surf to OldVersion.com.
    Originally posted by -Salopette@Feb 11 2004, 11:33 AM
    Kazaa Lite is unfindable... so I&#39;m keeping uptaded my topic of all the realeases
    Thats fine if you want to keep updating your info on the subject, BUT, there is no need to keep adding a NEW reply, which brings your subject back to the top of the board, just edit your own postings, this is a benefit of being a member. Just edit your previous post with the new info, add the edited by flag. this will not up your post on the board, which is good.
    If someone is interested in your postings, they can find the NEW info in the post, but there is no need to keep forcing this subject back to the top.
    I edit many of my own postings, adding new info to them, but i dont see any need to keep pushing the topics back to the top. If someone reads my posting, no matter where it is in the pile, the info will be there for them.
    And, if you keep forgetting which forum you are posting to, this one is Oldversion.com, the concept of this site is OLD versions of software, adding NEW info to these threads on kazaa, is not necessary, as this is not the purpose of this site.
    Which means there is no need to add every single bug fix, changelog info in a reply. If you feel the need to, thats fine, just dont add this info as a new reply, just edit your post with this info.

    @Feb 11 2004, 11:33 AM
    all the people that are visiting this forum [/quote]
    Are not ALL looking for Kazza, remember that. Many people, are looking for software that is not even related to kazaa, I know. I have been posting here for a long time. Kazaa amounts to a small percentage of what people are seeking here, so there is no need to pour so much effort into one application. Not only that, but Kazaa is just one of hundreds of p2p apps available.
    You effort might be best on the other forum your a member of, which is a kazza based board.

  9. #19


    I apologise for me being absent and not keeping this topic updated (I bet some people were happy of me being absent :lol: )
    Anyway with K-Lite 2.6 we reached RC21b it&#39;s nearly a Pre-Release, here&#39;s the downlaod:

    (I&#39;ll be keeping this topic updated)

    For locustfurnace: Don&#39;t worry Locust I&#39;ll be editing the post...

    removed links: 2004-19-07 refer to [Oldversion.com vs Sharman Networks

  10. #20


    I&#39;d like to use a spyware-free Kazaa.. but its so confusing, what do i download.. kazaa lite, kazaa ++, Kazaa ressurection,, which one is kazaa.. this is frustrating, can someone give me a direct link to download the legal kazaa.. with no spyware.. thansk you &#33;


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