Does Powerarchiver v7.0 and above support .ACE & .RAR files? Just wanted to make sure.
If you have PowerArchiver and tried to open a RAR file in it, chances are that you might have came across a CRC error with every file you extract (There is CRC error on file: {dir}\{file}).
Where {dir} is, that is the directory that you are extracting to. Where {file} is, that is the file name that is being extracted.
This is most likely NOT to be caused by your .rar file. So what is most likely the cause? An outdated UNRAR.DLL file in the installation folder of PowerArchiver (C:\Program Files\PowerArchiver). Before you think about downloading WinRAR (similar to WinZip and PowerArchiver, which work with zip files), go to the WinRAR website. Under the section "RAR", click on Extras. There you will find "UnRAR.DLL". Before you continue, make sure you exit PowerArchiver. Download and run the program, select the install folder (you should use the PowerArchiver folder) and click next. Now re-open your .rar file in PowerArchiver and try to extract your files again, it should work.
Does Powerarchiver v7.0 and above support .ACE & .RAR files? Just wanted to make sure.
I have version 8.00.63 (October 23,2002) installed and it does support ACE & RAR files. Features:
UnRarDLL v3.0 © by Eugene Roshal
UnAceDLL v2.0.3 © by ACE Compression Software
hey, thanks for the post!![]()
or you could just use 7zip an excellent program small and extremely fast as well , recommended on the forums by the mighty locustfurnace , if he says its good its good
Yepp, 7zip is good but it got some bugs and misses some features that PowerArchiver has..
You can open ACE in PowerArchiver too and 7zip is lacking support of ACE.
Now, PowerArchiver has added support for creating 7z files too so...
Does anyone ever even bother packaging files in .ace anymore? if so, why bother?Originally posted by WarLord@Jul 22 2004, 01:22 AM
Yepp, 7zip is good but it got some bugs and misses some features that PowerArchiver has..
You can open ACE in PowerArchiver too and 7zip is lacking support of ACE.
Now, PowerArchiver has added support for creating 7z files too so...
I've not seen a file packed in .ace in a long long time. The only files I run into now are rar, zip, tgz, tbz,
Couple other freeware utilities, which have what PowerArchiver lack, that being FREE!
- Filzip Freeware
Supports, .ace, .arc. arj, .cab, .gz, .lha, .jar, .rar, .tar and of course .zip
and there is also- IZArc Freeware
archive utility suports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BZ2, BZA, CAB, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MBF, MIM, PAK, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO
Yes zip is still the most popular, and likely will be for a long time.
I like rar.
7-zip is good but as was said still has a few wrinkles to be ironed out. But when, if they are, 7-zip will be a very good program indeed.
I used Filzip for a time and found it to be good as well.
I have a lot of rar files on my PC. But my young brother crashed my hard drive yesterday. I restored almost all data except rar archives. To my good fortune a friend advised me - rar fix download. It helped me for seconds and completely free of charge as I bore in mind. Above I knew how the program retrieved all needed documents even from corrupted archives of RAR format. And some other things...