ugg the 5.5 wtvr the rest was is horrible i hate the way the linking is set up and the games it makes it just looks ugly. i just stay with 5.2 tilll it gets better
After releasing AIM 5.2.3292 in August, it was a long time since AOL released any updates. Today, 5.5.3572 was released.
AIM 5.5 includes two major updates:
- video conferencing
- multiple screen names in one buddy list
ugg the 5.5 wtvr the rest was is horrible i hate the way the linking is set up and the games it makes it just looks ugly. i just stay with 5.2 tilll it gets better
I upgraded to this new AIM version, and it screwed up the Dead AIM install. When you go to My AIM, there's no longer a "Dead AIM Options" option. I tried to reinstall Dead AIM and nothing. I downgraded AIM to version 5.2.3292 and I still don't have that option. Anyone run into this problem?
I shut down AIM completely, did a repair and now it's working fine. I guess that the latest version of Dead AIM is not yet compatible with the latest version of AIM.
My sounds wouldn't even work on the new version today so I'm gonna stay with the old one until I know it's 100% finished and working.
yea i just dled 5.5 today... big mistake dead aim no longer wrks with it so i have chat windows all over the place everything about it was just anoying. the only plus to it was having the video confrancing but that is no where near enough to make up for all the clutter and lack of logs due to not having dead aim. besides i can use msn for the video confrancing if i want anyways. but neways for those ppl who made the same mistake what u have to do is dl an older version of aim and then repair or reinstall dead aim... i think that u gonna need to reinstal but midas well try to repair it first. o and i not sure if 5.2....whateva the the version right before this still wrks cauase i tryed to dl that one and then it auto upgraded of course that was off of so if u get it from here it might wrk but neways basicaly just keep trying older versions until u get 1 that wrks aight hehehe this was a long post
Dead AIM 4.1 isn't compadable with version. it was compadible w/the 5.5.2xxx beta however. i have that on CD, mabey i should submit it...
Whats with the buttons in the wrong place? Thats what pissed me off the most... the profile button isnt even in the bottom toolbar anymore. It screwed my Dead AIM up and when I tried to re install it AIM went corruppt and I lost all my covos, away msgs, preferences and everything else (thank god i saved my b/l)
What a joke. :angry:
If you install ANY OF THE 5.5 AIM VERSIONS,make sure to READ THIS THREAD.....
Keep yourself proteted!! Delete the crap spyware that comes with 5.5+ (That thread explains all)
The Dude
I only use the old version of AOL IM , the new stuff is not better, it just allows AOL to put more ads on your machine------------ I hate AOL.