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Results 1 to 8 of 8
  1. #1
    El Kabong


    Hi, need some help with a couple of things.

    First, how do I clear the email addresses out of the MSN sign in area? It's too crowded and I'd like to start fresh. Also my email address is on the main window, it says click here to sign in. I can't figure out how to get rid of it so it just says click here to sign in.

    Second, is there a way to save my Windows XP settings as they are now? For some reason when we shut down the computer, the internet doesn't work afterwards (which means we can't ever shut down the computer) and to fix it we reset the computer and stuff that was downloaded since the last resetting disappears.

    It would be appreciated if someone could make sense of all this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Florida, USA


    First, how do I clear the email addresses out of the MSN sign in area? It's too crowded and I'd like to start fresh. Also my email address is on the main window, it says click here to sign in. I can't figure out how to get rid of it so it just says click here to sign in.
    Yes, you can do this. Click the Start button, and click Run. Type control userpasswords2,and click OK. Once a window titled User Accounts appears, click the Advanced tab. Click the Manage Passwords button. Delete all the accounts that you wish to delete (including the Passport.Net*/ one), and click OK. The accounts you deleted should be gone, along with your stored user name.
    Second, is there a way to save my Windows XP settings as they are now? For some reason when we shut down the computer, the internet doesn't work afterwards (which means we can't ever shut down the computer) and to fix it we reset the computer and stuff that was downloaded since the last resetting disappears.
    I'm not sure how you can do this. Can you give me more specific info (like why it doesn't work or what error comes up)?

  3. #3
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Originally posted by El Kabong@Mar 22 2004, 06:56 PM
    For some reason when we shut down the computer, the internet doesn't work afterwards
    You aren't referring to the dial-up process are you? When on dial-up internet, you must log into the ISP each time you want to suf the net.
    Dial-up internet is not an 'Always On' service such as DSL or CABLE.
    Are you referring to having to reset the dial-up networking settings?
    Make sure you install the dial-up setting while an administrator and not a while under a user account.
    The registry settings must be altered when you add the DUN account info. So you have to do this while under the ADMIN account.

  4. #4
    El Kabong


    Thank you SSS for the MSN help, it worked! I've saved your instructions for future reference.

    No, don't use dial-up, I have high speed internet. Seems everytime we shut down the computer for the night, it doesn't work the next day. Weird.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Are you using a firewall? is your ISP assigning IP's via DHCP? or issuing Static IP's? Is the firewall blocking the DHCP (67,68) port?
    If you have it set to block this port, you will not be renewing your lease.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Florida, USA


    Originally posted by locustfurnace@Mar 23 2004, 12:29 AM
    Are you using a firewall? is your ISP assigning IP's via DHCP? or issuing Static IP's? Is the firewall blocking the DHCP (67,68) port?
    If he is using a firewall, it might be the Internet Connection Firewall (or ICF) because it is pre-installed with Windows XP and I don't think you can change the ICF settings.

    El Kabong, when you restart your computer, try connecting to your high-speed connection by clicking the Start button, point to Connect To, and click Show all connections. In the Network Connections window, right-click your high-speed connection, and click Enable. If this doesn't work, then I don't know what could be causing the problem.

  7. #7


    Unfortunately, I don't know a lot about this aspect of computers.

    I'll tell you exactly what it says in the details of Network connections:

    Local Area Connection
    LAN or High-Speed Internet
    Enabled, Firewall
    Via Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter
    IP Address:
    Subnet mask:
    Assigned by DHCP

    So that answers some of your questions locustfurnace.
    If you know the solution, could you tell me exactly what to do?

    SSS, I already tried your suggestion before. Didn't work.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Do you know which motherboard you have? I have had some problems with the Rhine built-in ethernet myself. When dual booting between 2 OS's, if I did not actually shut down the computer, but did a reset, the other OS was not able to use the nic. I've experienced alot of problems updating the Rhine card's drivers as well. Such as the card no longer worked.
    Try, if you can reach it, shutting the power off via the power supply switch on the back of the case, or hitting the reset on your surge protector for the computer.
    Do you have a ethernet card you could stick in the box just for testing purposes? to see if its the built-in Rhine?
    I've had problems where my internet access was completely stopped on the machine with the Rhine nic, but all my other boxes worked fine. After shutting down the system and restarting, everything worked fine again. This had happened regardless of the OS.
    I have stuck in a replacement card and disabled the built-in nic.
    It seems that as long as there is some power going to the motherboard, the Rhine card retains all previous info, so by actually shutting down the system from the surge or power supply, it would release that info, and pick up new info.
    This seems to possibly be the same thing that is happeneing with you, since you say you do a soft power down, and the nic does not work, but if you shutdown the system completely, it works again.
    Solution might just be to shutdown the computer, hit the reset button (on power supply) each time, I've done that for months with the one box I had; its not that bothersome, or replace the card if it is determined to be the culprit.


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