i just want to say thanks i was looking on the web for ages for software and the sites were shite i will recomend this web site to ma mates because its very convenient CHEERS
Ok basically this is just a thank you. But yeah this site is perfect for me (who just reformated). I dont want to be going around to all these diff sites looking for diff things this has everything that i need to get going anyway thanks
i just want to say thanks i was looking on the web for ages for software and the sites were shite i will recomend this web site to ma mates because its very convenient CHEERS
Due to real life reasons, I'm stuck with an old comp. Until I found this site, I thought it's finally time to chuck the venerable old thing. Now, I find, it can still run several useful programs thanks to the old versions on your site. Thank you!
Don't know if this is appropriate, but just wanted to drop by these forums and say it. I'm sure there've been helpful posters here who deserves it as well. Again, thanks all!
Search the forum on a discussion about 1 word replies.Originally posted by silent hacker@Jun 3 2004, 10:07 AM
I like tis site. There are a lot of programs, that gone terribly bad wit the new version. It's very hard to find old versions of programs, but with this site, I can download some old versions.
I expect to be able to contribute with some old software later
B) this site is very good, im sure they will have more applications, but its fine now, its clean, acceptable downoad speed, and very easy to use, im sure that i have spend time looking for a version thats very hard to find, and find it here.
Just wanted to say thank you.
This site is great!
It's absolutly exelent that I found this site, I have been thinking of creating a simular, but now I don't have to.
Its very often that I feel that the newer version is worse than the older, therefor I will bookmark this site. Yes sir re.