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Results 1 to 6 of 6
  1. #1


    [B]I downloaded Kazaa (AD Version) in the past.....as you can asume it did mess up my computer...TWICE! So after i restored my hard drive...twice!...I diceded to keep away from kazaa. So what i did is download WINMX that was better but the speed and relieability of downloads was terrible! Talking with some friend about downloading music he told me he downloaded a Program called "KAZAA-LITE" But he said he paid a subscrition. He said it was great and all the other good stuff. So i went to www.k-litesite.com and found out you had to pay something like 40.00 bucks to have ulimited access to k-lite. But i said hell nah!!! Id rather get those 40 bucks and go out to eat or something...i was bummed out cause i was stuck with winMX. I started to hear that k-lite was free but nobody told me were they got it! they would say" oh i had a friend install it" but one day just browsing around i typed in kazaa lite on google and BAM!! this site came out and i downloaded this program for free! The same one you had to buy for 40 dollars!!! My mp3 libary just get bigger and bigger everyday! This is tight!!! K-lite rules!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2


    the nature of your post is unnessary ,your ability to read is obviously very low, your ability to search the forum is zero, there is an extremely high chance that this is just another one of those threads that are spamming the forum with the kazaa subject. why have i viewed it this way ? 1 this has been covered many times over 2 the other threads have been exhaustively covered and run their course 3 if you had read any of the other threads on the subject you would of realised starting new threads is unnecessary as pointed out in many of them add to an existing thread instead of starting new ones. are you spamming other forums as well or are you just an utter troll. this thread will more than likely be locked now due to its unnecessary nature the moderator here is a great guy and he also must be getting sick of it

  3. #3


    Indeed, very unnecesary,but hell, since the thread is already here, id like to say kazaa lite is good, except for 2 reaons, most of the stuff u get from it is corrupted, 2 if government catches u using kazaa lite they make u pay a fine, if not, ask that girl who had like 1000 songs and had to pay fines for it... silly isnt?

  4. #4


    what if we down load free ware songs or porn ?

  5. #5


    troll alert more unnecessary troll spam its all been covered before try searching

  6. #6
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Originally posted by Pirate@Jun 10 2004, 04:48 PM
    2 if government catches u using kazaa lite they make u pay a fine, if not, ask that girl who had like 1000 songs and had to pay fines for it... silly isnt?
    Simply using the software was not what got her in trouble, which you also stated the true reason, that she had 100 copyrighted songs. That was the issue, not the program.
    This issue has been covered already.
    locking thread.


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