Did you take the time to read the link your quoting? http://www.oldversion.com/contribute.php?
or did you just quote it without following the link?
If you had read that, you would have seen the "contact us" link, you click on that, and it would supply you with http://www.oldversion.com/contact.php - Gives on how to submit.
and the FAQ page is what they accept.
As for uploading what kind of programs, they have to be Windows shareware & freeware programs, as stated on the FAQ. this means no retail apps. Don't send any DOS or Win/16 files. Games are not hosted and probably will never be. These apps are well handled on Simtels archive, or had once been.
Just zip up the programs and email as per the contact page states.
If your sending apps that are not a variance on what's presently hosted, it may take a while before it is in the archive, so dont think that by sending Rambooster98.zip, that you will see it hosted the following day.