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Thread: Winamp

  1. #1


    there are two new versions of winamp, please add them into your download list

  2. #2


    Are you refering to the Winamp download page at OldVersion.com? The current version of Winamp is 5.03. I belive the version at the Winamp page is 5.02. I am sure the webmasters are aware of this, and they may be updating the page soon.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Remember this sites name, its more than a name also, its the type of software you find. Oldversion.com. If your not sure what the name means, it implies versions which are not new. Why host new versions, when they can be found on the developers homepage?

  4. #4
    Release Candiate 2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Winamp Heaven hosts every single version of Winamp released. Try version 0.20! :lol:

  5. #5


    Hey I just wanted to let you know that winamp is currently on version 5.03 not 5.02 as listed.

  6. #6


    Just to let you know that Winamp 5.06 is out...

  7. #7


    Originally posted by astrowob@Nov 26 2004, 04:01 PM
    Just to let you know that Winamp 5.06 is out...
    Sound the trumpets and everyone beep their horns.
    Call the newspapers to stop the presses.
    Shoot off sky rockets and declare a national holiday.
    Give all the kids the day off school
    and everyone a payed holiday from work.

    Oh wait, this is OLDversion.
    Sure, now the last version is kind of old
    BUT until someone makes a request who cares.

    We really don't need someone posting a new topic each time a new version is released. The admins here are very busy people with lives IRL. They don't have time to keep every file on this site updated and archive a freshly old file just because a company decided to release a new version to stick their latest ad into the program. They will get to the updates when they get there and all bugging them about a new release is going to do is annoy them that you feel you know better how to run this site then they do. If this new version is so important, download it and use it BUT remember, this is OLDversion and we don't need to know each NEW version on the market. I can live another day without knowing the lastest thing these companies have built ads into their programs cause they feel the need to sell them to me.
    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

  8. #8


    Originally posted by Guest@Nov 27 2004, 02:25 AM

    We really don't need someone posting a new topic each time a new version is released. The admins here are very busy people with lives IRL. They don't have time to keep every file on this site updated and archive a freshly old file
    and i suppose an unregistered guest knows more about the site than anyone, perhaps if this is what the admin were thinking they would inform people themselves, unless youve been told otherwise they perhaps appreciate this type of pointer as it may save them checking themselves on latest versions.

  9. #9


    Decided to upgrade from 5.03.


  10. #10
    Atomic Taco


    You don't have Winamp version 2.80a. Can you post it up? The binary is located here:



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