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Results 1 to 2 of 2
  1. #1


    Does anyone in here use SPYBOT SEARCH AND DESTROY? IF so have u downloaded the latest updates and

    notice that at the middle or about (16000 files) it has an error message in another language?? Does anyone

    know about this issue and how to correct it?? I really need SPYBOT SEARCH AND DESTROY cause my

    adwares and spywares are adding up!! ANy other "good" programs out there that functions similar to



  2. #2


    Originally posted by jayp@Dec 24 2004, 03:17 AM
    Does anyone in here use SPYBOT SEARCH AND DESTROY? IF so have u downloaded the latest updates and

    notice that at the middle or about (16000 files) it has an error message in another language?? Does anyone

    know about this issue and how to correct it?? I really need SPYBOT SEARCH AND DESTROY cause my

    adwares and spywares are adding up!! ANy other "good" programs out there that functions similar to


    please use the search feature all three of your posts so far have been covered before on more than one occasion, when searching try different words such as spyware ? or spy removal etc using different terms when searching greatly increases the chances of finding an answer and saves the moderator from having to find and merge lots of threads on the same subject to keep the forum tidy as im sure he will do with all of these three threads. if your spyware is adding up as you say you perhaps need to pay more attention to the items you are downloading and the security you are using on your pc.
    heres a few search results to get you started some containig alternative spy removers http://www.oldversion.com/talk/index.php?a...highlite=spybot


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