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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    North Somerset

    Default Recording cassette tapes to Windows Media Player

    Microsoft used to offer a very simple programme for recording cassette tapes to Windows Media Player, but its apparently no longer available - sadly, I can't even remember its name.

    It offered straightforward connection, basic edit and clean-up functions and cost about £13 or so to download.
    I wonder if anyone remembers it, recalls its name or can perhaps point me in the right direction to obtaining it?

    I've tried several newer programmes but they're all far too complex for my limited intellect, and the few tracks I've managed to record are appalling.

  2. #2

    Default I think success has no rules, but you can learn a lot from failure

    a properly formatted request would be nice, people would be by far in a better position to help your request if you read the pinned topic HOW TO REQUEST AN APP and add the necessary info as per that pinned topic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003


    a far easier way is to buy a cassette to usb player,it includes the software and everything and virtually does the job for you,very simple and worth the investment
    simply me

  4. #4

    Default Actually...

    The easiest way to do this is just pick up a double-ended headphone jack and plug one end into your headphone out on the casset player, and the other end into the microphone line in on your PC. Then use Audacity to record and optimize your recording.

  5. #5
    Release Candiate 1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    It was called Microsoft Plus! Analog Recorder. Don't know what OS you are using now. It was meant for XP and Windows Media Player 10, though I'd think it would work with WMP 11. You could get a cheap, used copy of 'Microsoft Plus! SuperPack for Windows' at either Amazon or Ebay.

    Also, not to knock dontbugme's suggestion, but the true proper way is to use 'line out'(or 'rec out') from the tape deck to 'line in' on the PC audio card(may need an adapter depending on your current sound card).

  6. #6
    Release Candiate 1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Unable to edit my last post. I wanted to further add that even though it was meant for XP and have read that it doesn't work on Vista(and assume Win7 also), it might work in 'Compatibility Mode'. I've had great success with Compatibility Mode for some old programs.


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