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Results 1 to 6 of 6
  1. #1

    Default AVG Anti Virus Professional

    Program Name: AVG Anti Virus Professional
    Website: www.grisoft.com
    Current version: 7.0.338
    Desired versions: 7.0.240
    Description: One of the best anti virus program!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Builds are always more difficult to locate, since usually the only way to pinpoint this slight change involves installing the program on a system. Not something everyone wants to do.
    Luckily, the developers include the build in their filename. So that helps.

    Looking around on the grisoft ftp server, one can find a couple older versions.


  3. #3


    It appears that he's asking for the professional (paid) version.....

    As I understand it, Oldversion only deals with freeware, shareware and trial versions.

    He'd be better off making his inquiry at a site that's willing to take the risks inherient in allowing warez discussions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Pete
    It appears that he's asking for the professional (paid) version.....

    As I understand it, Oldversion only deals with freeware, shareware and trial versions.

    He'd be better off making his inquiry at a site that's willing to take the risks inherient in allowing warez discussions.
    grisoft do actually do a trial of the professional version pete, see here http://www.grisoft.com/doc/trial/lng/us/tpl/tpl01 i actually use the avg free on 3 of my boxes and see no point in the proffessional paid version as the free one does the same you just do not get the tech support etc but the updates run auto each day etc.
    simply me

  5. #5


    what do you guys think which anti virus is better AVG or Norton 2003 Profession ?

  6. #6
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    I don't believe there is a single "better" Anti-Virus application.
    Personally, whenever I have to scan a system, I use F-Prot, on a DOS floppy disk. For me, it's ideal, since I can scan a unmounted filesystem, which eliminates any virus which may be run in memory when a system is active.

    But, no single Anti-virus app will catch every single virus.
    It's always best to take precautions to try not to get infected. This will mean to Not use Internet Explorer, and Outlook Express, which greatly contribute to one getting infected.

    I never run any anti-virus software on any Windows systems I use. In the last 12 years, I've only gotten infected less than a handful of times.

    But for most of the time I am on the computer I run systems which are immune to infection. (Unix, Mac)

    There is a list on the forum for a bunch of Free anti-virus applications



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