Hey, just thought I'd share this thought. Hate those RealPlayer upgrades every two weeks? Here's a tip for all 2k/xp users.
Go oldversion.com and get RealPlayer 8. Remember to uncheck EVERYTHING while installing.
Then, once it's done, go to the install path (let say c:\program files\realplayer8) and go to the \msg directory within that. In that directory, erase all the files. Then, right click the \msg directory and select Security. Deny ALL access for everything to everyone but the admin.
This will prevent RealPlayer from downloading new updates since the System can no longer read that directory. Check me if you want. Go to the RealPlayer options and find the button which can force an upgrade. Clicking it tells you "the server is not available". Haha, SURE it's not. You have successfully blocked the fatherland of all spam and worthless waste of bandwidth.
Hey there, perhaps I am a little densa, but when I right click on the msg directory, I get a sharing and security tab. It wants me to set it up for sharing, but I don't see anything for deny all access. I am using XP Home, do I need XP pro to do this trick?
Thanks for helping!!
I downloaded Realplyer 8, but everytime I try to start it up, I get a "R6025 pure virtual function call" messae, can anyone help me fix this?
Chances are that your hard disk is formated in FAT32 format. In order for you to hide access to files, you need to use the NTFS hard disk format.Originally posted by Guest@Oct 18 2002, 11:57 PM
Hey there, perhaps I am a little densa, but when I right click on the msg directory, I get a sharing and security tab. It wants me to set it up for sharing, but I don't see anything for deny all access. I am using XP Home, do I need XP pro to do this trick?
Thanks for helping!!
Furthermore, I'm not sure that the Home edition has this capability, although I think I recall reading that if you start Home edition in Safe Mode that this option will show (using an NTFS formatted drive).
As an alternative, try using the Tara Real Audio Plugin for WinAmp. This allows WinAmp to play RealAudio and Video files. Real Player must be installed, but it will only checks for updates if you run it (and the WinAmp plugin never checks for Real Updates). See http://www.musiclivesonline.com/software/watara.html for the Tara Plugin.