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  1. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by jb2
    I had this same problem today, found this program that brought it back to normal
    What is that ?
    A download manager for a crack site or something?
    If so it would not be not a wanted contribution to oldversion.com

    and quite likely violates the yousendit t.o.s.


  2. #92

    Default Nero not working - could someone post a serial number?

    I just don't understand. I've downloaded the software from your site and it worked for awhile and now it's not working. Why are you supplying us with faulty software? There's some little pop up thingy asking for a serial number? Could someone please post that here? Am I the only one with this problem?

    HAHAHAHA! Just kidding...

    Locustfurnace, you are a patriot and a saint! I'm so used to other forums where if someone posted a repeat question they would be FLAMED to the 7th layer of H-E-double hockey sticks. It was hysterical reading through these posts where the questions above were posted several times on one page and each time you calmly and cooly explained the solution in very diplomatic terms and then recommended very patiently that they look for their answer for at least 3 seconds before posting. And that conversation with Shock?... simply amazing. Everyone who posts to this site is very lucky that you're around to help guide them patiently through all their computer woes. I hope to soon see your name on the ballot for president. You could talk a WMD directly out of Sadam's hands. I wouldn't even be surprised or offended if you deleted this post. You stay so true to the values of this site!

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Nero Serial

    I just downloaded the oldest Nero, nero3002 from your site. It refuses to start without a friggin serial code which is not included. Why do you put locked software on your site? I looked through all the files, no help there.
    -Takku Takiainen


    -I am not a punk, I am a behavioral artist

  4. #94
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Takku
    It refuses to start without a friggin serial code which is not included. Why do you put locked software on your site?
    Threads merged.
    If you had searched and found this thread you would have gotten an answer to your question already.
    No serial numbers are included, you need to pay the creators of the software for the license.
    Just as in the website you posted in your reply, the author of those works would like to be paid, so do the software developers. I would imagine the fees are also reasonable for the CD recording software. Far cheaper than developing your own.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Oh please don't give me that

    So go ahead and pay ridiculous prices for every single little tiny application you need to work your computer. And do that again and again every time they "upgrade" - or downgrade, that is, since they get just worse. Oh, and remember to become Chief Executive Officer before even trying to make use of your computer - you'll have need for the money. Please don't give me that bull.
    The author of this site WISHES to be payed for his work, IF IT IS WORTH MONEY IN CUSTMOER'S OPINION. This is NO COMPARISON for the "blackmail" going on in modern computing - ridiculous prices for needed software that doesn't take much work to make.
    Last edited by Takku; 02-19-2006 at 05:39 PM.

  6. #96


    hey mate,keep your strap on ,what is the problem with the modern day people of this world making such a big deal out of paying for things,if you are unable or as it seems unwilling to pay for nero then dont use it.throughout these forums there are many freeware alternatives to nero,whats the point in chucking your rattles out of the pram and getting up tight about nothing,nero is excellent software ,perhaps because the developers charge and then in turn spend money developing the software,why people are so relentless in their whingeing for something free is unbelievable.

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Ok no problem

    I realized that I received software with my cd rw burner I can use for burning ISO-images, I just didn't see that earlier because I haven't had much use for that kind of software... so I don't even need nero, or to download anything else. I was not informed enough.

  8. #98
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Ah, since I don't run MS Windows these days. I do not need to pay for any software, including the OS.
    The whole idea behind Free Software, OpenSource is the freedom you get, by allowing one to possess the source code, to modify the code to suit your needs if the current app does not live up to what you want. Plus, free of cost - for the most part.

    Consider my OS is free, my DVD/CD recording tools, web browsers, e-mail clients, ntp, nttp clients music player, Web Server, SQL server, C, C++ tool-chain, IDE's, HTML editors, XML editors, ftp apps, gedcom tools, image views, image editors, photo editing suites, Office tools, are all FREE.

    Who's paying? Better yet, the question is, whos' charging for software? Not many in the Free & OpenSource world.
    Most of the people coding these software titles are doing it for free because they enjoy coding, but most have day time jobs or are hired through a company who sponsors them to create these works. Such as those who work on coding GNOME, who work and are paid via Sun Microsystems.
    Consider MySQL, which is a great database, Used on many webservers. Its FREE to download to use to pass it along to your friends if you want. But how they make money is by offering a support license to big company's. Those company's can pay the developers of MySQL to handle their issues - if they chose to, if they do not wish to pay for a support contract, they don't have to.

    As for the Big Pigs, at Ahead. It's not likely.

    If you do not like paying for software, don't use the software that requires you to pay for it, you DO have a choice. I've already listed several freeware CD-Recording apps on this site. If Nero wants too much money. Don't pay it. Don't complain either. Just find something else.

    Rebel against what? Your "right" to own a computer and use software on it. Thats not a right. You do not have to use a computer, thats a choice. If you want to rebel against the prices of software. Go ahead. But no one is forcing you to pay for software you don't want to use. If the price of Microsoft Office is too much, Pick something cheaper, or even better yet, use a free OpenSource product, such as OpenOffice. It's FREE.
    If you don't like paying for Microsoft Windows, Don't use it.
    The more people use alternatives to the higher cost apps, the more likely the higher costing apps wont cost as much. Its also possible, that the more people who use freeware alternatives the less your data will be locked into a proprietary format.

  9. #99


    everyone should pay for nero ,its the best software out there.Who in the heck would want an illegal copy of such fine software.Anybody with morals and a decent upbringing should know better........I saw a pig with wings last week

  10. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by jb2
    everyone should pay for nero ,its the best software out there.Who in the heck would want an illegal copy of such fine software.Anybody with morals and a decent upbringing should know better........I saw a pig with wings last week
    theres always one (smart alec)


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