Does anyone in the house smoke? I had a g/f that used the computer a lot, while smoking. Which eventually caused a similar issue with the drive. The smoke will get onto the lasers lens. A Lens cleaner won't help much at all. It just basically removes dust which settles on the lens and can be brushed off.
If the computer is under warranty, you could try having it replaced. But since you have stated it's around a year old. Most warranty's today do not last that long.
Sometimes too, the IDE cable, which is the flat ribbon cable which connects the drive to the motherboard can loosen, and will sometimes pop-up slightly. This is due to the motherboard expanding from the heat inside the case.
Check that the ribbon cable is tight against the drive and the motherboard.
I have a stack of old drives, CD-ROM's, CD Recorders and DVD burners I've replaced. They just don't last as long as they should.
Maybe you should consider upgrading to a DVD recorder.
If you live near a bestbuy store or can even order it via the internet. You can pick up a DVD recorder for $50 USD.