Any version of MSN Messenger will run (including the latest v5.0), but I don't know which one would be the best.
Maybe v4.7?
NOTE: On Windows 95, only v4.7 is the latest that will run.
My Mother is running windows 98 on her comp and I was wondering if someone could tell me which version of msn messenger would run best on this platform.
Any version of MSN Messenger will run (including the latest v5.0), but I don't know which one would be the best.
Maybe v4.7?
NOTE: On Windows 95, only v4.7 is the latest that will run.
On our (lightsup55 is my brother) Windows 98 SE machine, we have no problem using the latest version of MSN Messenger.
re: My Mother is running windows 98 on her comp and I was wondering if someone could tell me which version of msn messenger would run best on this platform.
Try this uri.: 3000-2150_4-10384209.html
Happy msning
it is common knowledge that the older versions of messenger do not connect anymore,that doesnt mean you cannot get it to work,do a search and use messenger as your keyword,many suggestions were made in existings threads for a work around your answer is most likely there.
simply me